Rogue Bludger

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Remi's POV

It is time for the first quidditch match of the season and it is Slytherin vs Gryffindor. I have my binoculars and wand as I walk down to the pitch with Ginny & Colin. Hermione and Ron are sitting with Hagrid behind us. I waved hello before turning to face the pitch as the match began.

Slytherin are doing well on their new brooms that are faster then our teams. But it's not about speed to me, it's how you fly your broom. I just know Harry will prove that when he finds the snitch and goes head to head with Malfoy.

"An other point for Slytherin leading Gryffindor ninety to thirty" Lee announces. I see Harry looking frustrated at not finding the snitch yet. But I know he and the team can win this. Meanwhile Marcus Flint was cheering at his team leading with Malfoy and chaser. I saw Malfoy taunting Harry occasionally.

Suddenly a bludger heads for Harry who dodges it. But stops midair and heads back for him as he flies away. "No bludger can do that without being hit, something's wrong" I tell Ginny. "Where's Colin?" I ask her.

"He wanted to get closer pictures and went down to a lower platform" she states.

"The idiot is going to get hurt, stay here" I tell her and get up leaving to search for Colin. While I make my way through the stands I can't see the match. But I heard a time out was called and the game resume. Also that Malfoy and Harry had find the snitch, no neither has caught it yet.

I find Colin and pull him out of the way just in time as Harry paces us with Malfoy. A rogue bludger on their tail. "That is why we stay in our seats" I tell Colin as we stand up.

"Right sorry Remi and thanks for saving me" he says smiling.

"Anytime, lets return to our seats shall we" I suggest. But just then we see Malfoy land hard on his arse and I giggle. Harry flies out still chasing the snitch with the bludger gaining on him.

"Why is that only following Harry?" Colin asks.

"It's been tempered with, don't worry it'll be dealt with after the match. Harry can handle it before then, besides this match is almost over" I state. Just then the bludger hits Harry's out stretched arm as he tried to grab the snitch. He then balances on the broom with only his legs as he stretches out his other arm.

Harry catches the snitch but falls off his broom as Gryffindor is declared the winner. I run out onto the pitch wand in hand and point it at the rogue bludger still trying to hurt Harry. "Finite Incantatem" I state and destroy the bludger before running over to Harry. "Come on Harry, up you get" I say helping him up. "Let's get you to the hospital wing" I state and we leave the pitch as the crowd steps onto it.

"Madame Pomfrey, Harry broke his arm during the match" I tell her.

"Thank you for bringing him in Miss Lupin" she smiles. She has Harry sit down before muttering two spells under her breath. "There you go Potter, you'll stay here tonight and if you are in pain I'll give you a pain relief potion. Did you want some now?" she asks and he nods his head.

"You saved my life Remi" Harry says smiling.

"Don't over react, I just stopped a bludger from bumbling you. I did the same for Colin and got you away from the pitch before Lockhart reached it. No doubt he would have tried to fix your arm. He'd probably give you a boneless arm" I state and we laugh merrily. Just as the team enter the wing with Hermione and Ron.

"Quick thinking Remi, I guess all those lessons with your dad paid off" Hermione says with a smile.

"Guess so, but I had enough of saving lives for one day I believe" I tell her. "Party in the common room tonight?" I ask the twins.

"You know it" George smiles as Fred smirks.

"Cool, he's your problem until then" I state pointing to Harry. "See you tomorrow Harry" I say with a smile and go to leave when I see Malfoy groaning on the bed. "Guess that'll teach you not to be so cocky Malfoy" I tell him before leaving. I head to Dumbledore's office and told him what I saw/believe happened at the match. Even though he was there before going to the library to study.

Until the twins dragged me to the common room to help set up the party. When everyone arrived after dinner the party began. Ginny and I got Hermione to dance with us. Before the three of us called it a night as we have school tomorrow. I fell asleep quickly after getting ready for bed and pulling the comforter over me.


Video above of the match and picture above of Remi's outfit.

Remi Casandra LupinWhere stories live. Discover now