Chapter 12 : Comets + Violins

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"up on the screen it's so hard to tell
when everything seems like it's something to sell
and then you say you love her with a tragic charm
yet you're breaking all the rules to harm Her"

Kidneythieves - Comets + Violins

Hotel nights were always a catch 22 for Ville. He appreciated not having to spend that time in the overcrowded, messy, smelly tour bus with 4 other guys. But hotels also meant having to wake up to a busy morning of interviews in the lobby, photoshoots, tv shows, tight schedules. Because they were supposed to be well rested after staying in the luxurious places the management always picked up for them. That was without the parties and the groupies knocking at their doors in the middle of the night. Sometimes Ville indulged. But not last night. He was happy he had not when the lobby called to wake him.

The singer almost marvelled at how comfortable the carpet was when he set foot out of the king sized bed. A deep blue carpet matching the big drapes of the curtains covered the vast room where the dark carved wooden bed stood. The other part of the suite was a living room with antique empire sofas and a deep brown desk of the same style. Only the TV and electric outlets reminded the guest of the age they were living in. Ville still could barely believe this was the sort of place he could afford to enjoy now. Crashing on his friends couches while touring small finnish clubs by themselves seemed centuries away.


- Alright, so the first interview starts in 30 minutes, they are already waiting, you'll be doing promo interview for the next two hours. In the meantime there's a guy from Metal Hammer following you all the afternoon, the band has a photoshoot with an interview for Bravo at 7. Then soundchecks, one more interview for Iltalehti, then the gig. Said his tour manager robotically, in just one breath. What will your breakfast be ?

- Beer I guess... With liters of very black coffee... You might as well mix it all together so we don't run late.

A usual day in his new life, Ville thought sarcastically while sinking in the nearest sofa.

The first journalist was soon introduced to him. After eight month on the road, he now had to recognize the accents of the local interviewers just to remember in which country he was.

- Ville, how's the tour going ? How was the gig last night ? Do you like coming to this and that place ? Do you like the audience here ? Your album is out, what are the songs about ? What's the influence for your music ?

The singer had a little personal bingo for all the questions he was asked. It made him secretly laugh so much. He also had sarcastic answers for all of them, but weirdly enough, Johan and the management team did not like them. He could not understand why, really. Still Ville answered seriously and willingly, trying to be funny whenever he could and give personal answers each time.

The waitress eventually brought his beer and coffee to the table. A welcome distraction.

- Are you thinking about the next album ? Are you writing on tour ? What are you listening to, at the moment ? Anything special that might influence new songs ?

The singer smiled and started rambling about the new bands he had discovered on the road, while making a sign for another coffee. As he tried to catch the attention of the waitress, Ville's eyes lingered on his tour manager, holding the phone at the end of the bar. He seemed upset. If the call had to be transferred to him by the hotel's bar, it must have been important. But he would know about it soon enough, Ville thought. He thanked the journalist as he announced the end of his interview. Then another coffee arrived and another journalist with him.


- Ville... Ville... Sorry... Ville ! A loud and pressing voice called from the side of the stage. Ville... Do you know... ? About Kim ?

No question about his personal life. Management had enforced this policy so well that some days he had even forgotten about her.

Ville quickly turned to the side of the stage the voice came from. He recognized the girl from Metal Hammer that was supposed to be here hours ago. She arrived late and dared approach such a subject. During soundchecks.

- Get her out of here, please, he said quietly in his microphone.

Now he was sure the device worked, as his order echoed through the empty concert room.

- No, wait... She said, skillfully avoiding the technicians coming at her. They didn't tell you ?

The singer grew impatient. He walked to her side of the stage with his mic in hand.

- Tell me what ?

His finger hit the head of the microphone. Softly. In a slow rhythm. Like a pulse. Waiting for an answer.

- She had an accident, she's in the hospital right now. I just got it from my headquarters, i don't know any more.

The tour manager was already seizing the journalist by the arm to remove her from the stage. The microphone dropped. A loud noise and larsen. It echoed in his head and hurt his ear. It woke him up and the singer managed to walk out of the stage. Ville grabbed his tour manager, leaving the journalist where she stood.

- When where you gonna tell me ?

- Tell you what ? What are you talking about ?

- Shut up... You knew. On the phone. This morning.

- Ville... I... Johan did not want me to tell you ...  Not before he got to know more.

Ville took a step back, leaned against the wall and closed his eyes. His head was spinning. He pushed his fingers against his eyelid, thinking it would stop his racing thoughts. It did not. Dear Johan, always thinking about what was best for his protege. The singer could not help but be mad.

He walked down the corridor filled with cases, racks and cables covering the floor. A straight line along the white, tainted tiles. But he stopped midway. Ville did not even knew where he was going. His anger just needed some movement.

- Hey ! You ! He turned around and yelled at the journalist. Where is she ?

- Kim ? In L.A as far as I know.

Ville resumed his nervous walk. But his tour manager knew where this was heading.

- Ville. Stop. You come back here. Finish the soundcheck you're playing in...

- Fuck. You. Fuck. That. I'm going. YOU should have told me. Now you deal with it.

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