Chapter 13 : Layers

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Precious moments so rare
Boiled thoughts, evaporated - gone.

Can't bear the loss of never loving you
So jaded, so wrong

(Kidneythieves - Layers)

- As you may know, Kim was attacked earlier tonight. She is now under supervision...We... We do not know the extent of her injuries yet and... we would like you to please respect her and her family's privacy in this difficult moment. Thank you.

Mike walked back inside the building in a tempest of noises and screams, as journalists who were silent as stones while he was speaking suddenly yelled his name, wanting to know more.

Their small group was a terrible sight. Mae and John sat side by side, the same deep dark circles under their eyes. It seemed to Mike that their faces were bearing a pale, ghost like mask of shock and tiredness. They had found Kim unconscious near John's house. The bench they were sitting on was sticky with their sweat of worry. The drummer and the journalist had not left their seat all night.

Rose was just pacing, up and down the corridor, with a strange calmness.

- You should all go home. You look awful, and there's nothing more you can do. Rose and I can stay, and Jim will be here by the end of the day. Please get some sleep.

Mae and John were grateful that Mike had done all the official talking to the press, so they felt more inclined to listen to his plea.


The group formed again in the afternoon, with the end of an hospital corridor as their headquarter. Jim had joined Rose and Mike. John and Mae came back later on, a bit refreshed. They needed to be there, together, as they were still waiting.

A doctor approached them, almost entering the circle of their barely existing discussion. They all froze. None of them dared to look at each other, even to try to silently persuade one another to go.

Rose stepped up, before that first rush of anxiety and fear turned to embarrassment. That small, young and frail 19 years-old. The youngest, their little sister. She had volunteered, to face that older, wiser man. Volunteered to receive what may be a hard, life-changing announcement.

Rose stayed calm, simply looking up, straight in the eyes of that man.

Then she went back to the group. Slowly. As quietly as she had walked those few steps before. Rose went straight to her brother, but this time she held hands with the man in front of her, her green pupils slightly wet but still open, wide. So she would not actually cry.

Then Jim understood, without a word. He pulled her hands towards him and grabbed her. He held his younger sister in his arm, as close and strong as he could. But Rose was not the one to need it the most.


- I think I... better go out for a walk, declared Mae.

The journalist stood up quickly and seized the man that she had just spotted a few meters away from the group. She briskly dragged him away by his arm.

- Why are you here, Ville ? she asked sternly when they were outside.

- What ? Why ? Just... Tell me what happened. How's Kim ?

Mae sighed, then shook her head, trying to extract some words. Ville really had no clue, at all.

- You can't be here... Really... Why did you come ?

- But, wait ... Why are you asking me that ? Just tell me what happened or I'll go back inside and find out myself.

Ville was not really angry, just confused and scared.

- Ville... I was with Kim just before this happened... She talked about you so I know everything and you surely did not plan to be here today.

Who was this woman ? He had no idea but still she dared talk to him so defiantly.
His stomach turned. His gut told him to go, to see her. He needed to.

Even if Kim probably hated him right now. Even if she rejected him. Ville just had to know she was fine. To see her, to talk to her. She could hate him, spit at his face, hit him... Whatever. It would mean she was fine, he would be sure she was fine.

His throat started to swell, his lung to constrict, his sight to get blurred. Ville pulled his hair back with both his hand. Hard. To feel something. To distract himself from the growing panic.

- Just tell me ! Tell me she is fine ! If you don't tell me what happened, tell me she is fucking fine. Let her tell me she is fine herself, and I'll leave ! he screamed.

Mae shuddered at Ville's raised voice

- Her child did not make it.

She slammed the door on her way back inside.

Ville let his whole body fall to the floor. He sat there, alone, relieved, His throat and chest relaxed, his sight was clearer. And so was his mind. All he felt was relief.

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