1. Moving into Oblivion

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Hey readers just to let you know this chapter is background info so if u want to skip straight to the story it brings in chapter 2!

Only a week ago I was walking around with my best friend Sadie in the city.

I was able to walk a block in any direction and find at least one place to eat or one store to walk into and enjoy.

I vividly remember her saying "Hey Aubree, when you move to the mountains your going to call me every night right? Or at least keep in touch with me online? Your not going to forget about me, right?!?"

Sadie always had then tendency to get worked up over everything, but in this case I can't blame her seeing as we only really talked to each other.

I had promised her that no matter what we would still be the best of friends.

Even if we both turned into monsters and sprouted feather we would still have each other's back.

Never once did I believe that my life would come to a screeching halt like it has.

Everything I cared about had been ripped away in an instant.

Ok so maybe I'm being a little dramatic but leaving my life behind for this rural, worn out town is the last thing that I imagined would happen to me.

See my father is a writer and for my entire life my parents my brother and I have lived in the city.

I love the people there, you can always see something dramatic happening unlike this shabby town.

But over the past few years my father has been having feelings of "discontent" living there, he says he can't focus on his writing with all of the "commotion".

So of course my mother agreed that a change of scenery would be good for his career.

I love my parents and I want them to be happy but I had plans to go to college in the city.

Now I'm stuck starting my senior year in high school not knowing a single person, and having to figure out new plans for my future.

It seems like since we arrived here the only thing I've done is read and watch my friends status updates on the internet.

I can't help but be jealous of all the action, activities, and liveliness my friend still get to partake in.

I guess for now I just have to listen to Sadie's stories and wish I was there.

At the very least I can be thankful that I can escape all of this massive amounts of boredom through books.

For some stupid reason people say that new is better, but for me even just the idea is terrifying.

It should really be no surprise seeing the family that I come from, but my family is generally modest, quiet, and refined.

That is if you exclude my beast of a brother.

I swear if I didn't know better I would say that he's a totally different species, at the very least you would never guess that he is my parents child.

But me, I'm as plain as it gets.

As much as I internally love adventure, I really only find myself watching from the sidelines because of how shy I am.

Even the other kids in my class in school didn't believe I had vocal chords up until my freshman year of high school because I barely ever spoke.

I had Sadie that I could be myself around but even still I was always the quiet one between the two of us.

So I have always spent a lot of my free time reading, it's my escape where I can't put myself in the role of the character who are strong and adventurous.

Today will be the same as it has been since we moved here.

Wake up, clean my self up, feed myself, do my chores, pack a lunch, then go out into the woods to read until dinner.

It may not be the best use of my time but it will have to do until school starts back up.

As much as I find this town to be a bore, I will have to admit that it is beautiful around here.

Lush forest and mountains, the view you would see in something like a calendar or postcard.

The smell of the fresh air and the woodsy smells completely overtake you every time  you set foot outdoors.

I honestly think that's the only thing I've liked since we moved out here.

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