The Winter Is Your April [But My Obligation];Two

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Lmao I'm pretty sure their favorite word right now is fucking and situation. Lol. I'm finishing this request~! Next request coming soon children~~~~!!! Do you like my cover~??? I hope you do!~ love you all~~~~~^^

But I'm so sorry and I hope you don't mind. But instead of targeting just the Hyung line I kinda went with all of Bangtan. Opps sorry...


Taehyung felt his heart skip a beat. As soon as he had arrived at the car it was completely furnished with blankets, pillows and snacks like chips and candy. He was surprised when he had saw his earphones and a portable charger sitting on the front seat. Yet again; he was alone. The temping fate of walking inside of their shared dorm washed over him as he positioned himself into a comfortable ball. He hoped the members knew that whatever he had said wasn't true; he really did. He could feel the darkness mock him whenever he turned on his phone to check for any messages. Not one. He felt abandoned again. He didn't understand why he enjoyed this feeling. Maybe it was just because it reminded him how pathetic he was.

He smiled slightly. It was so Jin to leave him a note like this:

This is a one time thing...I will never let you eat so much carbohydrates at once again. Make sure to call me if you need something. Sleep well~

Taehyung sighed before grabbing the snacks that laid next to him. He was going to take advantage of this. Even if it was the worst twenty four hours of his life.


Taehyung awoke with a yawn. He sinfully had drooled on one of the seats and had empty wrappers toppling over the van. His back ached. He forgot how horrible it felt to sleep in a car. His neck was stiff and he swore to god he could not move. He groaned and picked up his charging phone.


I'm awake
Seen at 8:13

Jin Hyung;

Alright. Do you want breakfast?


Depends...what are we eating..?
Seen at 8:14

Jin Hyung;

Brat. Yes or no?


Someone's grouchy
Seen at 8:14

Jin Hyung;

Yes. I'm tired.


You're tired???
Seen at 8:16

Jin Hyung;

I may reconsider breakfast.


Eh, go ahead. I feel sick anyway.
Seen at 8:16

Jin Hyung;



I get a bad vibe when you say 'Fine'
Seen at 8:17

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