Waking up 15

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(Y/n's Pov)
I woke up feeling a little dizzy, things looked blurry. After laying there for about 40 minutes I can finally see clearly now. I felt something on my hand. It was a Jungkook he was sleeping next to my bed. He was hold my hand I felt myself smiling on how cute he was.

It looked like he hasn't slept for awhile. I watch him sleep, I noticed that he was crying and he was breathing hard. I quickly shook his shoulders. His eyes opened slowly, he was rubbing his eyes.
Y/n: Oppa what happened?
Jungkooks eye shot wide open and stared at me hard. It made me nervous Because of the way he was staring at me. The next thing I knew, he was hugging me really tight. I heard him crying softly I patted his back. Jungkook held me even tighter I groaned in pain.
Y/n: Oppa that hurts.
He let go of me and I saw tears coming down his beautiful face.

I cupped his face with my hands, with my thumbs I wiped the tears away. I leaned in and gave him a sweet kiss. He responded back, I heard a knock on the door.
Jungkook: Come in
He sounded like he was annoyed, Aw how cute he must be upset. I looked at the door and I saw..... BAEKHYUNG??!?
Y/n: OPPA!!!
I was about to run to him but I was stuck with wires. Also my leg was injured so I couldn't move. Baekhyung walked to me and gave me a hug, we were stuck hugging each other for about 5 minutes until he let go.
Baekhyung: Your in big trouble young lady.
I sighed, knowing what's going to happen next.
Baekhyung: Why are you so stupid? Don't you know to look at the road before crossing? Where were you going? Are you hurt, does aunt and uncle know? How long are you going to be here?
His question keeps going and going, he always does this when he worry about me.
Y/n: Oppa stop ask me slowly, Baekhyung Oppa breath.
Baekhyung: Are you ok y/n? Does it hurt at all?
I chuckled how he was freaked out and a second later he's calm.
Y/n: I'm ok don't worry it doesn't hurt at all. It feels like nothing.
I can't tell him that I'm hurt on the inside and the outside. I'm hurt in the inside cause I made everyone worried and I made him leave the military base. I'm also hurt on the outside cause my feet were killing me, my head was pounding in pain. I could even feel my blood all over my body. I can feel the cuts around my body.
Y/n: Oppa I'm fine you can go home and take a rest you look really tired.
I saw him walk out the door I sighed. I forgot that Jungkook was there the whole time. He went up to me and sat on the corner of the bed.
Jungkook: I know your not fine, tell me what's wrong.
I looked up at him, I stared into his brown eyes. I felt clam just looking at his eyes. I don't know why but I started to cry hard.
Y/n: I-I don't want you *sob* to see me like *sob* this.
He pulled me into a hug and I rested my head on his shoulder. I felt calm in his arms I realized that I need him and that he is my everything.
Jungkook: Shhh~ it's ok you can tell me another time.
With that I went to sleep in his arms.

(Jungkooks Pov)
After a few minutes I didn't hear her crying. I looked at her and she was a sleep. I later her down on the bed and payed next to her and hugged her. I felt sleepy so I went to sleep with her in my arms, just like I wanted to.

Hiii~~~ I kinda need help, I want to add a boy name but I don't know any so could you guys help me. Thank you~~~~

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