Lets play 17

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(Y/n's Pov)
EunWoo: I'm.... Going to go to your school, but ...
Y/n: What!!! Jinja?!? If your joking I'm going to head lock you.
I heard a chuckle from him which made me smile.
Y/n: But what??
EunWoo: My dad is going to be the head of the school.
Y/n: OMO wait why do sound sad about that? It's a good thing that your dad is the head of the school.
EunWoo: Yeah but he is going to embarrass me in front of the school.
Y/n: just think about it, we can do things that other students can't do. If you know what I mean. 😏😉
He pinched my cheek so I gave him a death glare.
EunWoo: Stop with the smirk, also you are not going to skip school like you used to. You also used to end fights by fighting people. But that's not going to happen this year.
Y/n: ha yeah right, I'm going to do that even if you want me to or not.
EunWoo: Aish you little trouble maker.
I gave him a innocent smile.
Y/n: I know that you like the trouble making me.
EunWoo: you wish.
Y/n: YOU wish.😂
EunWoo: oh I forgot to tell you, your leaving the hospital tomorrow.
I started to smile like a freak. I stood up and grabbed my crunches. I turned around to look at EunWoo.
Y/n: You coming or what?
I headed out of the hospital, as soon as I step outside I felt cold. But I didn't care I'm finally outside. I saw little kids playing which made me smile. I walked over to the kids and EunWoo following me.
Y/n: Hi!! Can I play with you guys?
Little girl: Yes
Y/n: can I ask what you name is?
Little girl: I'm Adiba and this is my little brother.
The little boy bowed to us and I chuckled at how cute they are.
Y/n: What's your name little boy?
Little boy: My name is Jung Ki
Y/n: Well hello Jung Ki It nice to meet you. So what are you guys playing?
Adiba: we're playing tag.
I looked at my cast and I remembered that I can't run.
Y/n: sorry but I can't play but this handsome Oppa will play with you.
Right when I said that Eunwoos eyes poped and he turned to look at me. He came closer to me.
EunWoo: YAH you didn't even ask me! He said it in a whisper so the kids don't hear.

I just chuckled at him and pushed him to the kids. I sat on the bench and watched them play. It was getting a little dark and it started to get a little colder, I sneaked in the hospital while EunWoo was still playing with the kids. As soon as I reached my room I felt warm, I reached over to my phone and I got 20 text messages and 10 calls from Jungkook. Man this boy really miss me that much?

I looked at the text messages,
Where are you?~~~
Your leaving the hospital tommorow.
Are you sleeping??
Are you feeling better?
Are you there?
I'm going to the hospital right now.
When I see you, your going to be in trouble for not texting me back.
Your going to get a punishment.
Is EunWoo there?
Man he texts a lot. 😂
I sat on the bed waiting for Jungkook to come. But what does he mean when he said that I'm going to get a punishment? I waited for him for about 5 minutes. Until I heard a knock on the door.
Y/n: come in!!!
I saw Jungkook walk in the room while having a smirk on his face. He came closer to me, he started to rush to me and kissed me.
Y/n: Yah what are you doing!?!
Jungkook: Yah??? I'm older than you. Your going to get another punishment. 😏
I bit my lip not knowing what to do. In a flash he started kissing me so I kissed him. He held my waist to make the kiss deeper. I put my arms on his shoulder. It went on for about 2 minutes. He pushed me on the bed and now he's on top of me. I heard someone come in the room. We stopped kissing and turned to the door. I saw......

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