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A question I've asked myself a lot.


Why does nobody like me? Why am I so alone? Why did my parents commit suicide?

The thing is, I knew why.

I am gay. Yes that's right. I like dick. Not vaginas. And nobody where I live can accept that. I know, it's pretty sad. I used to get bullied. Nobody helped. Not even the school counsellor. My parents despised that there one and only son is gay. They were true Catholics. But instead of disowning me, they car-crashed themselves into a bridge.

I live on my own now. Nobody likes me so I have no friends. But I don't care. Who needs real friends when you can make friends with anime characters and people from tumblr and Instagram? Who needs the real world when I'm accepted on the internet? I've met loads of gays on the internet but I never really connected with them. I don't really listen to bands. I like sleeping with sirens and I have a few sws tees but that's all. My hero is Tyler Oakley. He's just amazing. Cute too. I met him and he was such a nice guy. I ship #troyler so much. I'd love to ship me and Tyler but I ship him and troye too much.

I have brown eyes and brown hair. I wear designer glasses (I'm long sighted) and just got rid of my braces. I'm quite tall and gangly. I'm 16, birthday being 21st April.

Well that's me.

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