The Meeting

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So here's how it started.

I was in my first class, English and I was day dreaming what it would be like to go out with Usui Takumi.

"Alan!" I immediately snapped awake.

It was my teacher Mr Bageehra. He's the strictest teacher in the whole school so of course he hates me more than anyone else.

"Mr Shere. Answer this," he said pointing to the board.

I don't know if it was because of my dyslexia or fear of the attention I was getting, I couldn't read the question. I stared and stammered a bit but could not get anything proper out. In the end the smart ass who gets straight A's (who has a girl twin who is the same) called out the answer. He was pretty cute for a nerd but he was a jerk too. Halfway through the lesson there was a knock at the door.

Our vice-principle stepped in with a small boy behind him.

He had short black shabby hair and he wore dark makeup round his eyes. His arms covered in bandages. He was actual really cute.

"Everybody this is Densil Michaelson. He shall be joining the school and of course most of your classes for the rest of the semester," our vice-principle said.

Ahhh yes. The exchange students from England. I'm not sure who went to England but I don't really care either. He came and say next to me although there were many places for him to sit.

Soon I got bored or Shakespeare or whatever and got out a drawing of Naruto I needed to finish. It wasn't anything special. Just something I do for entertainment. I'm quite good and I have a lot of drawings on my wall; of bleach, deathnote, Naruto, dragon ball, Tyler Oakley and some people I met through internet.
Out of the corner of my eye I could see Densil staring at my drawing with great admiration. When he noticed I could see him he snapped into reality.
"That's really good," he said in a small hoarse voice.
"Er thanks. Do you want it?" I asked.
"Oh no! Surely a great artist would want to keep his amazing work," he said.
"Er I don't mind," I said and wrote in the corner "for denzil"

Of course he corrected the spelling after I gave it to him but that's cool. When the long dragging class finally finished I start my way to the boys bathroom. Because I don't have anyone to hang out with or like the outside I lock my self in a cubicle and either read or draw. I don't mind. I'm used to the loneliness, even if I don't really like it. While I was on my way I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I turned and saw Densil's huge blue eyes stare up at me.
"Er thanks of the drawing," he said
"No problem. I mean it's not that good but yeah," I said
Densil shook his head and frowned.
"Not that good? It's amazing. Wish I could draw like that!" he said

I just chuckled and started making my way to the restroom again. I felt a presence behind me but dismissed it. I went into the restroom and looked at the mirror. Dayum I was ugly. The glasses made my eyes looks so small and my hair was really messy and needed to be cut. Thank god I didn't have braces anymore. Suddenly I heard the door open and close which was strange cos nobody comes in here. I turn around and find Densil. He was crying, his make up ran down his cheeks. Some of his bandaged ripped. When he saw me, his eyes widened and he immediately ran into a cubicle and locked it. I started knocking.
"Densil? What's wrong?" I asked but no. Reply came. Just sobs, "Densil! Please! Answer me!"


After what seemed like ages of knocking, the door opened. He had applied new bandages and his make up was smudged. He sniffed and wiped his nose.

"Are you okay?" he just shrugged.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him over to the sinks. I made him sit on the top and I grabbed tissue. I soaked it with water and started scrubbing his face. He made weird faces because I scrubbed to hard. When I'd finished, even though the make up made him look like a vampire, he was still deathly pale. His eyes were huge still and still looked really cute.
"Do you have any of your make up with you?" I asked.
For a while he just stared at me, then got up to grab his backpack. He pulled out a white powder and black eyeliner. I watched him apply it all. He was very careful with the way he added his eyeliner, making sure it was even. When he finished he smiled at himself. Then I looked at myself at the mirror. I couldn't smile at myself. I looked disgusting. The bell broke our silence and I went to get my bags.
"Wanna walk together after school?" the small hoarse voice said.
I turned to see a little hopeful face.
I smiled and said, "Sure, meet me at the gates."

At 3:30 I leave class and walk to the gates. As soon as I get there I saw Densil leaning against a wall, earphones in his ears. I go up to him and pat him on the shoulder.
"Hey," he said and we walked.
It was pretty awkward at first.
"So.... where you staying?" I asked.
"My whole family came. We're renting house off of Corner Street," he explains in his strange English accent.
"Oh cool. I live near there," I said.

When we reached Densil's house I recognised it completely. It was the Howard's house. They rent it out to people every month. There seemed a lot of noise coming from inside.
"Well I will see you tomorrow," Densil said as he walked up the driveway.
I waved goodbye and walked to my house. Have I actually got a friend?

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