The End

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*back to Alan's POV*

I can't believe that just happened. Shiiiiiiiiit. Oh no. Densil's gonna be hurt.

"Ohmygod. I'm so sorry," I said.


"Your dad's gonna kill you!" I said.

"It's okay," Densil said.

I didn't question him. I was too happy to be curious.

We didn't walk together in case his dad saw. We wasn't ready to tell him yet. But on Wednesday we couldn't hide it any longer.

We were sitting outside on a bench talking and holding hands (to piss off the teachers) but apparently a teacher called Densil's dad and told him. To piss off the teachers even more we were about to kiss when Alan was yanked out of grip.

"I'm going to talk to you," he said and pulled him away.

They went into a classroom with the windows covered by drapes but I could hear them and see silhouettes.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" his father said.

"Being me."

"You can't be you. You suck!"

"I don't-"

"Don't say a thing. I'm done with your shit."

The silhouette of his dad showed him about to punch Densil.

"No!" I yelled and ran in but I was too late and Densil was thrown across the room. His dad picked him up and took him out of the room and threw him to the floor. Then he looked back at me.

"Talk to him again and you get it!" he said and dragged Densil out.

When I got home and ran to my room and cried. And cried. And cried.

I didn't leave my room for days. I became depressed and refused to pick up my phone or anything.

3 weeks past and I was still confined to my room with a blocked nose and no contact with anyone. Soon I realised how stupid I was and got out of bed and showered. I decided to brave Densil's dad and went to visit him.

I circled his house and found a pipe and climbed it. I reached a random room. I was able to unhinge the window and got in. Straight away I knew it was Densil's room. There were band posters all over the room. And a few sad ones. On the bed there were two notes. One said "parents" and the other had my name one it. It read;

"Dear Alan,

I'm here to tell you two things.

1) I love you. I love you to the moon and back. As soon as I laid eyes on you I loved you. You're the most beautiful kind soul I've ever seen. I don't ever want to hurt you but..........

2) I can't live like this. I know I could run away but that would mean I'd have to leave you and yet my father would come after me anyway. Also in a year I'd probably be going back to Bolton. But either way I can't live. At all. I told you I need to die. I didn't tell you why cos I'd figured you'd find out. I'm sorry but I'm gone. If you find this before my parents I'll be in my closet. Dead. I'm sorry. I'm not happy alive. Goodbye Alan. I love you."

"No," I said and rushed to the closet, "no no no no!"

I opened it and found Densil lying there. He'd hung himself and then the string must've broke.

I grabbed his limp body and brought it to my chest and cried. No I bawled. I nearly screamed at the sight of his body. His father came steaming in with a gun in his hand and his face dropped when he saw his son's body in my arms.

"My son... is dead?" he said, "oh shit. What am I gonna do? My life is so shit."

"You're life is shit? How do you think Densil felt that he had to commit suicide to be happy? You bastard. Parents are supposed to love their children. Didn't you want love from your parents? At least you had them. My parents committed suicide themselves. So did my best friend. I had no one until I met Densil. I bet he felt the same too. THINK OF OTHERS FOR ONCE YOU PIECE OF SHIT!"

With that I took the gun from his hands and shot my head. I went down with a smile. Cos now I'm happy too. I'm with my love.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2014 ⏰

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