The Short Chapter

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Densil looked at me curiously.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

I sighed.

"I'm gay too. everybody here are extreme catholic or just plain hate me," I explained, "you what happened upstairs? when I was screaming 'no'? I was thinking of when I told my mom."

"Oh I'm sorry. I-I-I didn't know," Densil said, "I'll leave now."

I grabbed his hand.

"No. Please stay. I-I like your company," I said.

He smiled a little and sat back next to me. It was silent for a while but Densil's presence made it better. When it got to about 4 Densil had to go.

"Er thanks for having me. I guess," he said.

"It's okay."

He waved an awkward wave and walked away.

I went straight to bed soon after


It was 7PM when I awoke. I opened the fridge to find.... nothing. How much did Densil eat? I sighed and went to call Pizza Hut. I sat in bed and ate pizza, thinking about my day. It was kinda strange.

I tried texting Densil to give me something to do but I didn't get a reply.

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