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ryro: hello

milkyway: did we just have a normal conversation starter

geewhiz: i cannot have that

fronk: we're supposed to be weirdos

breadslice: people will start to lose interest in this book if we carry on like this

.:tyjo:.: what

jishyfishy: huh?

breadslice: what 

ryro: anYWAYS 

ryro: does anyone have technology third with me

breadslice: do you not not know your classes

ryro: i do

ryro: i'm just tired 

pattycake: i do

pepe: me too

dadlon: well i'm not in your school so no

ryro: so i have peterick, anyone else?

pattycake: what did you just call us?

ryro: peterick

pepe: why

ryro: because i can't be bothered to type out 'patrick and peter' 

pepe: one, you just did 

pepe: two, don't call me peter 

pepe: do you want your brains scooped out

ryro: no thanks pete 

pepe: then my name is not peter okay?

ryro: right.

breadslice: don't hurt my child

dadlon: ^^

spence: I am having a crisis 

ryro: what's the problem child?

pattycake: is something wrong?

pepe: is it bad?

danisnotonfire is dead ok: i can try to help

my name is going to be phillip lester soon: me too

spence: thank you

spence: it's very serious

ryro: hurry up and tell us!

danisnotonfire is dead ok: we want to help

my name is going to be phillip lester soon: well, try to help

pepe: ^^

pattycake: but only if he's comfortable with telling is

spence: well,,,

spence: you see.. 

spence: ajdjdkwkkw

spence: this is so hard

dadlon: like you when you see jon 

dadlon: hAhA whAT

dadlon: i said nOTHIng you hear me? noThING 

spence: fuck you.

spence: anyways

spence: do i ship

spence: ryden?

spence: or

spence: brallon?

spence: or 

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