Note from the Author

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Hello my fantastic readers! 

Thank you for reading the first installment in this series! I can't believe I finally finished it; I thought it would never come. I started writing it in 2014, and now, three year later, it's finished (plus a couple of revisions in between then and now).

As some people have noticed, yes, the book's dialogue is primarily based on what is in the game's script with few minor adaptions. This is mostly due to me being a sucker for accuracy, as it is easier to stick to a real timeline than make up my own for a universe that isn't originally mine. I also took liberties in making minor developments with the background characters, mostly being the Privates: Stevens, Walcroft, Griffin, and Carter. Of course, I may go back and further develop these characters, but for now, I'm leaving them alone as they aren't as important to the story yet.

Another thing I wish to remind readers: while I am familiar with weapons and some of the other supplies used in this story, I am by no means an expert; I may have faulty descriptions throughout the novel. If you happen to know something better than I do in a chapter, comment on it, and I'll work to fix it; I want this to be as accurate as possible!

Once again, I thank you all for reading this story, and I hope to catch you in the next one: Hotel Six, which will be a two act story. 

Read on, my friends!


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