Chapter 16: No Fighting in the War Room

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"Define: 'must be able to work under presure'."  ~ Unknown

"Bravo Team, we've got good news and bad news," said Command over the com. "Launch control is located to the southwest of your position, less than half a click away from your position. That's where you'll need to upload the abort codes to destroy the missiles in flight."

Captain Price looekd to Gaz. "Gaz, go with the Yanks and hit the security station. Soap, Jess, Griggs and I will head for launch control," he said.

Jessica was a little dismayed to hear that Gaz was going without them, but then she couldn't complain; she'd be going with the team that had all the fun of uploading abort codes.

"Roger," replied Gaz. "Command, what's the bad news?"

"Uhh, the bad news is we're still trying to get those abort codes, over."

Price closed his eyes. "The hell with it. We'll give it our best shot. Out." With that, he divided the team and lead his portion toward the objective.

As they crawled through the vents, Jess could hear gunfire below them. Curiosity drew her gaze toward the grates, hoping to catch a glimpse of the action. 

Soap watched the Captain jump down and signaled Jessica to his side. Griggs was waiting for Soap to go down before he disappeared through the entrance point, Jess short on his heels. He nearly tripped when she landed next to him, right where he was about to step. 

"Watch yourself, devil dog," he said.

She cocked a brow with a smirk. "I hate to tell you, but I'm not a Marine."

"Honorary devil dog," he remarked.

Command interrupted them. "Bravo Six, this is Command. We have the codes to destroy these missiles in flight; you have nine minutes before they reach the Eastern Seaboard, over."

Jessica felt her heart sink. Nine minutes? That felt horribly short, and the fight to the launch room was, no doubt, about to be very bloody. She took a deep, steadying breath, and darted round the corner after Price, hanging a sharp left.

"Copy, command, we're on our way. Out," he said.

She shifted when a hail of bullets bit into her flesh. She had barely gone around the corner when they were advanced on with little place to take cover. A growl thundered in her throat, and she shifted again, pulling the rifle off her back; there was no way she was chewing through this one. In a firey haze of bullets, the fight came to a short lull, and Price urged them forward.

It was tedious fighting through those halls. The rooms blurred together, the heavy scent of blood and loosened bowels clung to the air, and only when they ran down a flight of stairs did the smell and the belligerent shouting seem to stop following them.

Jessica nearly threw up her heart when she saw a mass of at least fifteen men hiding in a hallway. She fired back and forth, often trading bullets with the Russians until she finally inhaled a sharp breath and ran. Where she was running, she wasn't sure, but she wasn't going to stand there and shoot until the missiles landed. 

She ended up in what looked similar to a boiler room and yelped when a bullet grazed the bridge of her nose.  Unwilling to stick her head out to see who had shot at her, she gripped the pin of a grenade in her teeth and bounced it off the wall, high, and heard it land directly behind enemy cover.

Soap was soon right behind her, firing over her shoulder. They were nearly tripping over bodies when the thick of the battle seemed to draw back like a receding tide. He looked around his corner, Jess looking over hers, and they both exchanged the same look: where the hell had they gone so quickly?

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