Chapter 15: All In

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"The only easy day was yesterday..." -The Rolling Stones

A bullet bit into the frozen ground beside her, sending a burst of earth and snow into the air. She was fighting to reload her weapon; her hands were shaking so much that she could barely keep a grip on the magazine.

"Go, go, go!" shouted Price, sprinting beside Gaz ahead of the group. His eyes were still round and he was heaving in deep, anxious breaths; it was strange seeing him worried when he was normally so calm and collected.

Sniper Team Two tapped into the com. "Bravo Six, Sniper Team Two is in position," said the leader. "We'll give ya sniper cover and recon from where we are, over."

"Copy! Keep us posted! Out!" replied the Captain. He braced against the facility's wall and took aim around the corner, barely getting a few shots off before taking cover again as a stream of bullets chipped away at the concrete.

Jessica noticed Soap tip the barrel of his rifle down and run away from the fight. She watched him dodge fire and come around to the other side of the wall. "Where are you going?" she called after him.

"I'm puttin' some C4 on this wall; it'll get us straight into the fight without gettin' slaughtered."

Intrigued, she started toward him, Cox and Stevens shortly behind her. They covered him as Soap pressed the C4 to the wall, and then quickly waved them away to safety. He grabbed Jess by the collar and dragged her with him, flipping the switch on the detonator, and the wall exploded, blowing bits of rubble and stone all over the ground.

Jess swiped at him, wriggling out of his grasp. "My legs aren't broken; I could have gotten out of the way," she groused.

"I don't know, you've gotten yourself shot; I wouldn't put it past ya to get blown up, too." A shot rang out and a copper bullet split the air by Soap's arm.

She snorted indignantly to herself and stood up to follow him. She lunged out, shifting as she bore her teeth into the skull of an Ultranationalist, the sound of his neck breaking as she shook him back and forth both gross and satisfying. Gal lapped at her bloody lips and spat a mouthful to the snow. Her ears pricked at the snarl of a tank patrolling the facility and she braced her legs to run.

"Gal!" called Soap. "Take this C4, get it on that armor!" He threw the explosive to her and she caught it in mid-air before running to the side of the road out of the view of the tank. As it stopped broad-side facing her, she ran out and pressed the C4 to its side. As the gun bellowed loudly in her ears, she took off for cover across the road from Soap and gave him the go-ahead to detonate it. The tank crumpled like a tin can, belching out black smoke and hot, orange sparks, crying out in defiance as it was destroyed. She popped her head back out from cover and smiled spitefully at the Sergeant. "Not bad for someone who's 'so good' at getting herself sh-!"

An RPG interrupted her. She shrunk back from the trail of smoke, her eyes darting around wildly to find where it had come from. As she craned her neck around a corner, she could hear the hissing of another rocket and she shared away, missing another explosion licking at her heels.

Soap rounded the corner to take a shot, nailing a hit on the RPG soldier's center of mass. "Get your ass out here and help me, and quit yammerin'! You'll get both of us killed, and I have plans on gettin' a pint when this is over with."

Jessica stood up, grumbling under her breath. She came to his side and fired at the onslaught of advancing enemies. It seemed like they were spawning from the shadows, and as the numbers of them increased, she felt her skin prickling from adrenaline, her senses seeming to magnify as she leveled soldier after soldier with surprising ease. 

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