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The sound of gunshots filled Jessica's ears. She opened her eyes to see bullets flying around her, men running to cover and grenades exploding in all directions. Jess grabbed her MP5 off her back and aimed it in the direction of the battle; the weapon recoiled against her shoulder, but she couldn't feel it with the pulsing, hot adrenaline in her system.

An overpowering explosion flooded her hearing and she felt herself being thrown forward by a great amount of force. Jessica propped herself up and watched a man dragging another man away from a heap of scorched metal. The man pulled a pistol and shot several times before having to switch out weapons, swinging an M16 from his back. His head turned to stare at more enemies advancing on him, but before he could put a bead on any of them, his eyes widened and a bullet shattered his scope and blew a hole just above his eye. The man dropped backward, and a thick grey-and-red puddle dripped onto the broken-up pavement.

Jessica turned to look at the rest of the battlefield, confusion and fear clouding her thoughts; what was going on? None of it made sense; it was especially odd because she had never seen any of these men before. A helicopter blew up and its pieces rained down on the men below. A one-armed man in grey walked forward, shot another man lying on the ground in the head, and then aimed the weapon at her. In a streak of horror, she heard it fire multiple times in an even-timed succession. 

Her eyes snapped open to a dark room. The metronome-like sound of her alarm clock had awakened her from the dream. Jessica moaned and sat up in bed, looking in the mirror across the room at herself dressed in a white tank top and black pajama pants with her dark auburn hair hanging loose in front of one of her eyes. She tucked the lock behind her ear and walked over to her closet, grabbing out a military uniform and looking over the green-mottled pattern with pride before putting it on. As the last bit of her barely-tanned skin was covered with multi-green clothing, she looked at the time. It was 0500, leaving her still an hour and a half to get ready. She brushed out her hair quickly, tied it back with a band, and sat down to eat a breakfast of scrambled eggs and sausage.

The past week flashed through her mind. That day when Nick Fury called her into his office, she was particularly annoyed. Having spent the last four years in Asgard, she hadn't wanted to leave for another mission, but getting paid to do something exciting wasn't so bad. 

"Upon the suggestion of Scott Lang and Steven Strange, SHIELD's newest division recently decided to look into the existence of the Multiverse," said Nick, slowly taking a seat at his desk. "And... They've found it."

Her head tilted. "... What exactly have they found?" she asked hesitantly.

"Another universe similar to this one, though, without looking too deeply, seems to be lacking a team of Earth's Mightiest Heros; it's us, but significantly more... Ordinary. In their timeline, there's a civil war in Russia- an Ultranationalist movement, they're calling it- and at the same time, there seem to be tensions growing in the Middle East," he said. "The British and the US militaries have decided that they need to get involved, and are needing more members."

"Alright, but how does that affect me?" she asked, folding her arms across her chest and narrowing her eyes. "You're not about to throw me into the Multiverse with no clue how it'll affect me, right?"

Nick shook his head, looking down at the floor. "No, we've found that there's not much harm in crossing universes. There's a SHIELD established there, and between our technology and theirs, you would be able to return to this universe should you decide to come back."

Bravo Six: A Call of Duty fan fiction (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now