Chapter 7

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~Bernie's POV~

It's been 5 minutes now that I've been looking all over the hospital, and still no sign of Alex. I hope she doesn't feel to bad... What came over Serena? It's none of her business, and if she was trying to look out for me, I'm a grown woman! I can make my own decisions!
Actually, what was Alex thinking? Or was it me? Did I give her false signals?
I went up on the roof and found Alex leaning on the banister.
-I'm sorry... I said softly as I approached her.
She turned round, she had a coffee in one hand and her phone in the other, her eyes were red. Crying. Oh no. What have I done. Alex only cries when her heart breaks.
-Alex? What's wrong?
-Oh nothing, I'm alright. I was about to do what you normally do, run. She gave me a nervous giggle and turned her head back to where ever she staring at before.
-Don't take it badly...
-Hum? She replied.
-What happened in there, I mean...
-It's fine. She interrupted.
-I'm still sorry...
-I'm not used to you apologising. She giggled a little.
-Yeah your humour has not changed one bit. Both of our giggles turned into laughs even though what we were telling each other wasn't that funny... 
-Right, I'm going to get a coffee and then I'mgoing to brave AAU, you going to join me? I asked as I saw her hair slightly blowing in the wind.
-I've finished my shift, and I think now I'm definitely not welcome to AAU... Besides I think Serena all want to catch up... Do me one favour though?
-Sure, I smiled.
-Don't be mad at Serena, it's understandable...
-It's is? I said a little surprised.
-Well yeah... I mean I didn't know that she liked you when I made the move on you but after that I definitely know now though so don't...
-What?? I didn't know what was coming over me. Anger. Sadness. Jealousy? I don't know but I didn't like it... Who said that?
-Nobody needed to tell me, you could see it Bernie! Please don't tell me you didn't.
I starred at her, I was in shock...

The rest of my shift I spent in theatre, away from Serena and the others...
All was going well until I needed help... To be more precise, Serena's help... I asked someone to page her and she came instantly.
-What's wrong? Serena asked.
I tried not to make eye contact for some reason and told her the situation.
-Don't worry, she replied, it's all going to be fine. To say normally your the one that has to reassure me. She laughed. The other nurses in theatre just kept quiet until the enisthatist warned us about his heart rate lowering.
Serena was dropping in sweat, still attractive though...
What was that thought??? Oh no... Please no... I didn't and don't love Serena! Impossible!
-Bernie! She brought me out of my thoughts with her big beautiful brown chocolaty eyes... A little help please!
I looked inside the body, there was obviously and bleed, I saw it!
-Serena! Don't move! I've got it!

The patient survived thankfully... Serena and I were now washing our hands when she tried being humorous:
-Girl power eh? Always the best. She winked.
-If you say so yeah...
-Look Bernie, I'm sorry... I know it wasn't the best way of coming back but... She just stopped! How could she just stop???
-I don't know...
Oh for goodness sake! You don't know???
-See you in a bit... I turned round, I heard her call my name but I just egnored her... I know now what Marcus used to say about when I had a gob on, I smiled to myself.

End of my shift, I went in the locker room and got changed, I was just about to go out when Fletch came crashing in with Raf, laughing at what ever as usual. It made me smile, after all of what both of them have been through they now laugh their heads off every single day I see them.

-Oi, oi boys!

-All right Mrs. Wolfe? They replied in unison.

-I've finished my shift, Bernie is fine now, and I winked back at them.

-So... Fletch gave a cheeky look at Raf then asked me: Where you off to tonight then? Made your choice yet?

-Yes actually.

-Oh really? Raf replied instantly.

-Yes I'm going to go home and I've decided that I'm going to finish that whisky bottle I have, I smirked.

-No! Surely not! Leave that for another day! Come with us! Fletch replied rather nicely.

-Thank you boys but as you know I have some thinking to do and I prefer to be home alone, I smiled to them both nicely.

I got outside and lighted a well earned fag.   

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