Chapter 13

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~Bernie's POV~

How embarrassing, I just let it slip and now she is starring at me, I can't see her to clearly but I can guess it's a weird look...

I looked into her eyes one last time before she kissed me.
That was the best feeling in the world. All the worries, sadness, anger, all swiped away in an instant.

My Goddess.

She pulled me in closer and I wasn't scared to go deeper into the kiss.

Her soft hair between my fingers, one of her hands round my neck and another sliding up my top.

The followong morning I arrived at AAU to find everyone at the nurse's office, no more Alex or Oliver, Raf was back and laughing away with Fletcher again, like the good old days.

I walked in on Serena changing in the changing room. I don't think a simple black bra look so sexy on someone. I felt my cheeks warm up...

-Morning Bern.


I went over to the mirror to give her space but I just looked in the mirror and saw her behing me.

Her hands sliding around my waist.

-You alright?

-Yes, yes...

I could feel her body heat through my clothes. She got closer to my ear and wispered:

- I love you too...

A little noise behind the door awakened. I turned around.

-Really? You're not just saying that?

-Of course not, why do you think I came back so early from France? I missed you like mad!

This time I kissed her. It was just as good as the first time.

We both pulled away breathless.

-Dinner? I asked.

-Tonight? She replied with the sweetest smile.

-At mine?


She kissed me one last time before putting her top on and going out of the room witha smirk on her face and me smilling and observing her until she left.

N~ A- Well this is the end of this journey, thank you so much to all the people that helped me make this story, that includes reading it before publishing, helping with ideas, giving advise but thank you also for to the readers that have been voting and that have been patient with me during these hard time. So a big thank you to everyone! And I'll be back with a new story soon! Xxx

In my armsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon