Part 3

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"Feel nervous with your first mission?" Natasha asked and looks at the Winter Soldier, a surname for James. "Why Winter Soldier?"

"I don't know.. maybe because.. I like it.." he not dare to tells Natasha that idea coming from Sharon, since Sharon likes winter season a lot. "Coincidence, Winter is Sharon's favourite season." Natasha drove her car to the location to find some evidence. "You should ask her go for date."

"What a coincidence.. I actually asked her out.." Natasha park her car as soon as they reach the location. Bucky can feel the dangerous lingered around them and Steve might eventually appear and hurt her. If she's died, it mean the world he has now will disappear. Sharon will hate him and he decide to keep Natasha away from Steve. "I think we should go back.. its dangerous here.."

"Are you afraid Winter Soldier?" Natasha asked as she try to digs something under ground but then they heard a gun loads of bullets. They both quickly get into the car and from far, Bucky can see Steve inside the black limo. Natasha can't see the attacker and she was about to get out from the car before Bucky pulls her inside and this time, he takes a turn to drive and Natasha feels so mad. He press the pedal in a full speed because he know Steve will get Natasha no matter what happen. "What you did just now?"

"I'm sorry I just try to-"

"Try what?! I can easily defeat them!"

"You don't know them Natasha.. they suddenly coming without we expect and we don't have any back up.. if something bad happen to you, how I gonna answer SHIELD and especially Sharon?"

Natasha looks at Bucky, she smiled. "Well that makes sense.. it means you both should go out for date.."

He smiles but inside him, there's tornado make chaos.


Bucky slowly walk into Steve's room and stand near him. Steve is now staring at Natasha's picture. "Beautiful isn't?" Steve talks to Bucky without he looks at Bucky. His finger touch on Natasha's picture, tracing at her hair part by his fingers. "I wonder.. how soft her hair.. and today I nearly get her but there's a traitor among us." He put the picture aside and stand up look at Bucky. "I'm not too cruel for not let you defend yourself.."

"Me.. actually that's part of my plan.."

"Are you sure?" He look straight to him. "Don't try to be a good man Bucky! Ivan gave you as my present and one thing, bad guy always be a bad guy and you think I never know your attention towards Sharon Carter?" He smirked when Bucky successfully get shocked. He points his fingers on Bucky's chest. "Do you work as I told you or else.. you won't see Sharon anymore.."

"You were a good guy before you meet Ivan.." Bucky remembered Steve's past. "Why not a bad one become a good one?"

"You think Sharon will accept your past? Think this Bucky, bring me the Black Widow here or I will ask my men captured Sharon and sold her."

"Don't hurt her.. I will bring your requested item.." Bucky leave and drive back to SHIELD office but not enter the building. He thought about himself, Steve will torture Natasha before killed her.

Suddenly there's a knock on his window and he let Natasha enters his car. "Such a nice car."

"Yours is limited edition.." both of them laughs. "What's up anyway?" Natasha asked him while he is on his serious face. "You haunt Steve?"

"How did you know?"

"Sharon told me.."

"Aw very sweet.. So the love bloom yet?" Natasha move to the back seat, she changed her outfit into an official her cat suit, then back to the front seat. Bucky doesn't feel weird when she manages to change her outfit in 30 seconds. "You are fast.."

"Living your life as a special agent, time is our enemy.." Bucky look nervous, seems she have a question to ask Natasha. "Can I have your opinion?"

"About Sharon?"

"No, I mean.. I have a general question." Bucky hold the car stering a bit tight, he tense. "What do you think about a bad guy who wants to be a good guy? I mean this bad guy change their mind set to become a good guy after certain incidence that happen to him. Would you give them a chance for them to redeem themselves?"

"Depends on how bad they are.. It's not wrong to give them a chance, they deserve it but the only thing I can't accept is betrayal, I won't compromised about this." She shows her calm face before start again. "Steve.. he looks familiar.. his face remembered me of my partner and my superior Captain Grant."

Bucky listen to her story until they arrived at one bridge. They saw someone leaning on the pillar stone, complete full suit with bow and arrows behind him. Bucky unlocked the car and let Clint enters. "You two must not know each other right? Well James this is Hawkeye and Hawkeye, this is The Winter Soldier aka Sharon's boyfriend." She laughs at the part of Sharon. "Thanks for the intro Ms. Romanoff. Well you looks familiar.. one of my enemy.." Clint stated it and that made Bucky nervous. He met with Hawkeye once when they had a fight before long time ago.

"Don't look at him like that Clint!" Natasha said softly and that makes Clint laugh. "Sorry, he's too handsome for Sharon.." both Natasha and Clint laughs but Clint sense something wrong.


Steve finished set up a cage with a height same as him more to like a small prison but it is an expensive one, made from glass and on top of the glass, there's a shackle attached. "You will meet me Natasha.. you will be here.." He then locks his secret house, holds the key tight in his hand. The place is up on the hill, small house but filled with luxurious items inside.

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