Part 4

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"Where am I?" Natasha thought to herself. She was in a small space, like a glasses box, filled up with water. She trying to breath by the only oxygen from its body and it is only can be last longer about two minutes. She try to unbreak free herself to get out from it but then he saw a flashes of a man. Smirking to her.

Natasha woke up, catching her rapid breath back to normal. She thanks to God it was just a dream. She can't sleep on that night and a bit of vodka would helps her forget her dream.

Wearing a simple black leather jacket with a white tank top inside, a black long pants from a stretchable fabric, shows off her curvy body tone. The music of the club is too loud but she doesn't care. The man in his nightmare make her questioned a lot. Who is this man anyway? Her shoulders tapped by someone and she surprised to see James.

"James! What are you doing here?"

"Just look around.." James feels wrong and if he not act tonight, Sharon will be in danger. He starts to love Sharon, she shows how the world should move with love and respects. "I'm sorry Natasha.."


"For.. anything.. I am not a good partner as Clint."

"No need to, as long as you redeem yourself.." She smiled and she drink the vodka in her glasses, finish it all in one gulp. "Ew the taste is a bit gross!" Bucky sigh in relief when Natasha finished her drink. She stand up but Bucky asked. "Where'd you want to go?"

"Go back to bed, I feel a bit tired suddenly." Bucky looks at Natasha walking out of the bar. She walking into the street to get to her car. She feels a bit dizzy and her body feel so tired. What happened to her? She nearly reach her car before her body collapsed on the ground. Her eyes opened but her body paralyzed. "Hello Black Widow..."

"Who the hell are you?!" She can't move and she sense something wrong. "Ketamine.." she whispers to herself before the strangers pull off his mask, revealed himself as Steve. "Steve.."

"No, your nightmare.." A white cloth soaked with chloroform was put on her face. She can't fight because of the drug effects on her brain set her body to go limps. The only thing she know before she  close her eyes is Captain Grant.


Steve stare at his first collection. Black Widow was put inside a glass cage filled with water, hands hanging above her head and there's an oxygen mask put over her nose. He come closer to the front, touching the glass surface. Soon her eyes snapped open and Steve smirk to her. Natasha panic, she doesn't know how to react, her body still go limp but she never give up. Her legs still free and she give a hard kick to it but failed. She looks at his captor and Steve laughing hard. Steve come forward and type something through a panel pad. He points Natasha to read at the panel in front of her.

Hello Black Widow.. nice to meet you..

Natasha's eyes show that she is in angry tone. Steve type more.

Behave, because the oxygen supply you have now will end in five minutes.

Her eyes turn wide as they both sharing their stare.

I'm not too cruel to let you die.. not yet.. if you want me to let you out from the container, nods.

She shake her head, protest. She is not a weak type.

You reject my offer? Nevermind. If you death, its not my fault. Good bye.. Black Widow, have a safe journey.

Natasha try with another way to escape. She's kicking and soon the time is over. The gas mask automatically released from her head and she have an extra two minutes to get out.

One minute passed..

Steve just look at her work hard to find a way, she's a stuborn type and Steve really like it. "Interesting Black Widow.."

Two minute passed and Natasha doesn't have strength anymore. The water fill her lungs and Steve panic. She's really stuborn to accept his offer and Steve won't let her die easily. He quickly pull down the lever and the water slowly sink down. She's been released from the shackles and Steve bring her body to the nearest couch. Without hesitation, he gives a CPR to Natasha. Kissing her, gives her his breath, while pumps her chest. The kiss feel familiar for Steve as he had kissed those lips before. Natasha still not opens her eyes, Steve have to take off Natasha's top and leave her half naked. Again, he repeat the CPR process until she coughed water.

"Oh God! You're alive!" He hugs Natasha tightly.

"Why you save my life?" Natasha still trauma and this time she can feel a strong grip around her wrist.

"I can't let you die.. not yet.. you are my play thing, Natasha Romanoff."

"How did you know my name?!"

"Bucky Barnes.." he laughs hard and Natasha wide her eyes. "James?"

"There's offers for you. One, be my slave and obey all what I said. Two, die in a sadistic way."

"I choose number three.."

"What? I don't remember to give you the third option, Natasha."

"Let see." Even still in half naked, Natasha gathered her strength, gives a blow to Steve until he landed hard crushing his wooden table. "I'm sorry, did I step on your moment?" She smirks on Steve but Steve chuckles to her. "My speed is better than you.. look at your arms.."

Natasha turn around to see her arm and he is true, there's a syringe with white liquid, almost empty and she pull it off. It is a drug and Natasha immediately falls on the ground with eyes open. "What you did to me?!!"

"Tame you my black widow.." Steve picks her up from the ground and bring her limp body to basement. "Scream all you want, no one can hear you.."

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