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Yasmin's P.O.V

"I'm sorry."  I heard Luke say randomly beside me. I turn my head o the side and rolled my eyes. I hate when people apologise, it doesn't make sense, I know that deep down inside that person doesn't care to apologise, society just says you have to so you do it, also it's awkward as f'uck.

"For what? I told you I hate apologies-" I started but he cut me off before pulling over to the side of the road. I raised my eyebrow at him.

"I'm sorry that I almost forced you to marry me, that I bought you like you were some sort of decoration or trophy I didn't deserve" He breathed out, saying it really fast but still understandable. My mouth opened.

"Luke really its fine, at least you aren't a 60-year-old man that bought me and tried to marry me because I was a young woman." I breathed out smiling but that didn't lift Lues mood up even a bit.

"No, I owe you an explanation for my dumb actions" he argued and I nodded facing the road.

"Fine, just drive home and we'll talk about it in my room instead of the side of the road." I said looking ahead,  from the corner of my eye I saw Luke nod and drive off. I let out a sigh and looked at the birds fly away in a 'V'.

*when they arrive home*

"So, tell me." I said sitting crisscrossed on my bed, feeling the now clean and soft sheets, as I'm wearing shorts.

"Well, when I was 16 my father had gotten a divorce with my mum, he was scarred so he took his frustration out on me, not any physical contact or anything, mainly verbal, he told me how I'm never gonna be loved by a woman if I don't grow the fuck up and get a job with good money because women are only attracted to rich and famous men!" He cried out a couple cracks in his voice, I sat beside him and placed my head on his shoulder, I nodded for him to continue and he let out a sad, sarcastic laugh.

"And I fucking believed that prick, I believed that women where these monsters, so I decided to work for a CEO, soon enough I was the manager and well I acted like I fucking owned the world." He laughed sadly with a look of disgust and dread on his face. 

"I saw a picture of you and your mum on Instagram and something clicked inside of me, I'm sorry" Luke cried out and I hugged him shushing him and running y hand through his hair.

"Luke it's fine, you changed completely, I trust you now." I said calmly and Lukes sobs filled the room. I never had a boy cry in arms before so it felt kinda weird but weirdly calming. I just like Luke because he's not scared to share his feelings and cry in my arms because he's had a rough day or something happened that really upset him, damn I have problems sharing my problems.

"I really like you Yas." Luke hiccupped causing my heart to skip a beat and my eyes to widen in shock.

"I like you too Luke. " I said running my fingers through his hair. He shook his and laughed

"No, I mean I really like you Yas." He said lifting his head up and looking me in the eyes, his where swollen and red but still bright blue. I smiled.

"Yeah, me too"

Bride on the run (Luke Hemmings)Where stories live. Discover now