Chapter Two

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I rolled my fingers in the hole of my jeans, prodding at the bruise beneath them. I would always feel it. I was incapable of harnessing the emotional pain, I stopped feeling that so long ago, but I would always feel this. This would never go away.

I wiped at my forehead, the wetness absorbing into my sweatshirt. The heat was one thing, but this humidity was almost unbearable. My heart raced as a consequence to the warmer than usual, September. My body repeatedly flushed with a fuzzy feeling dancing on top of my skin, and though I suffered in this moment, this was the best part of my day.

A hovering sensation covered my right side and I slightly turned my head to acknowledge the source of the feeling.

I was greeted with the milk brown eyes of a she devil. Facing forward, I felt her lean in closer. "Seems to me you have a fan." Her voice was smooth and taunting. To anyone else, it may as well be a consistent lullaby, but for me it was continuous hell. I glanced at her, taking in the smirk on her face. I followed the twitch of her eyes to the back of the class.

For a second my eyes locked onto a pair of deep brown ones. They were like a black hole that could suck you in and you'd never see the light again. They gave me a foreboding feeling that struck me hard in the chest.

My blood ran refreshingly cold in the moment and I could see the boy behind him slowly raising his hand, allowing his fingers to bounce off the boys shoulder. He spun his head and whatever was said, was beyond my ear's reach.

Keeping to myself, I kept my eyes trained on the floor in front of my desk, drowning out any of the teacher's words. This was a pointless place for me to be, my life had no future beyond these walls.

I kept still and counted down the minutes in my head. My heart racing as time ticked on with no slowing.

Ten minutes.

Nine minutes.

Eight minutes.

Seven minutes.

Six minutes.

"Start packing up class."

Five minutes.

Four minutes.

Three minutes.

"Talk among yourselves until the bell rings."

Two minutes.

One minute.

The bell blared through my unsettled mind. Lifting my head and closing my eyes, I inhaled deeply, mentally preparing myself for the rest of the night.

I refused to turn around as I pulled myself up from the seat. I could nearly feel him watching me, his black brown gaze burning a hole through my intuition.

Blood pounded through my ears as I headed out of the school. Unwillingly, I headed for home, anxiety bubbling in my chest, suffocating me as I breathed.

Devouring me until there's no chance of deciphering reality from imagination.

Devouring me until there's nothing left to feed on.

"Excuse me?" A voice arose out of no where. My insides jolted and there was no telling if it could have been seen from the outside.

While breathing rapidly, I spun around to face the boy, begging for my weaknesses to take cover.

"Sorry." He smiled lightly before flashing a handful of white lined paper in front of me.

I flinched and focused my eyes on the scribbled writing.

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