Chapter Ten

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A loud thump made my eyes burst open. My heart clenched inside my chest and my brain when into overdrive.

He's back.

I crawled to the edge of my bed, bringing myself to my feet. I crept to the top of the stairs and peeked down them. I take in the sight of a cigarette butt lying on the floor by the front door. Smoke twisting and dancing above it, almost like a genie leaving its bottle. Chanting its siren-like voice, enticing me to come down

Slowly, I descended the stairs, listening to them creak and waiver beneath my feet.

As I peeked around the corner, he saw me.

"You." His voice hissed, and a violent force knocked into me. A searing pain shot through my side and chest, and I wanted to scream.

My body acts on its own accord and pulls my knees into my chest; my arms crossing over me.

Wheezing as I inhale, I pull drag myself up the next step, just to be jolted backwards by my hair.

My head is craned back and pain courses through me, "Never forget who is in control." My body lurches forward with undeniable force and the side of my face cracks off the edge of a wooden step. The air is once again knocked out of me and I heave.

"Please." My voice was my raspy. My body was weak.

A quiet snickering mocks me. "Please." A hard blow from his foot, knocks me into the wall, creating a loud thump.

His laughter grows louder,

and then I heard a knock at the door.

He goes dead silent and stares me down. His face lacked all emotion as he eerily turned the doorknob. The backside of the door opens towards me and I can't see who is on the other side.

"Is Aubree home?" I hear Clayton's voice.

"She's out with her friends." Mike's voice was menacing, and he stepped out of sight, closer to Clayton. He won't believe that.

For a moment I heard nothing, and my heart raced. "Could I come in and wait for her?" Clayton questioned, sounding tense.

"I think you should leave, boy." Mike's voice threatened and a second later the door slammed shut.

Mike loomed over me, "When I want something, nobody is going to tell me I can't have it." His voice was sickly sweet and laced with venom as he stroked the side of my face with the back of his hand.

He pulled back and looked angry, "You got blood on me, you stupid bitch!" The same hand then yanked at the waist of my jeans and my body clunked down the last few steps.

My head was throbbing, and I felt myself drifting in and out. "No," He growled, "You look at me." He grips my face tightly, forcing my lips to pucker.

I feel the disgusting heavy weight of his body pressing into me. His potent ammonia-like breath, gagging me as he smashes his lips against mine, biting down harshly.

He tugs at my jeans until they make their way to my knees, and I squirm beneath him, fighting as hard as I can to get loose.

Whack. His hand comes down hard across my cheek.

And then his weight leaves my body.

I gasp for air, just now realizing how hard it was to breathe smoothly.

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