Chapter Fifteen

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Aubree's presence rendered me speechless when she approached me wearing that little white dress. It kissed the middle of her thigh, which were fuller than usual, a sure sign that she was regaining her health. As it hugged her hips and waist, I noticed her stomach wasn't as sunken in as usual. Her ribs were no longer the first thing you noticed on her body.

My hand sat at the small of her back, guiding her toward the ticket booth. Her smell was absolutely tantalizing as the wind blew through her air. "What is this?" She beamed up at me, and up until this point, I had never seen her so happy. "A luminary walk." I answered.

"A what?" Her perplexed eyes stared into mine.

"A candle lit walk through the woods." I explained more thoroughly. "With music and concession stands along the way." It was an annual event hosted by our community and hundreds of people attended it each night. It was intended to welcome the fall season. People would cozy up with their partners as they strolled along the path, but this year was warmer than usual, and I was somewhat let down that I wouldn't have an excuse to be near to Aubree.

"It's pretty." She commented as we approached the entrance, the sound of soft music suddenly filling the air. I was caught off guard when her hand loosely linked with mine, and I snuck a glance at her just in time to see one corner of her lip rise.

After ten silent minutes of walking, we approached three alternative paths, an opportunity at more privacy. "Which way?" She asked before I led her down the farthest left lane.

I slowed my pace a bit which triggered Aubree to come to a complete stop. Candles flickered all around us and Aubree's skin glowed in the light. She was breathtakingly beautiful. "Are you okay?" She asked, a concern passing over her face.

"Yeah," I paused, "I'm great." The moment grew awkward and suddenly I was the one who didn't know how to make the first move.

"Are you sure?" Her eyebrows creased together, and her eyes looked up at me threw her thick black lashes.

My heart stopped and I couldn't think straight, let alone speak.

"Clayton?" She closed the distance between us, and her warm hand cupped my face. I felt my chest constrict and I was sure all the air had left my body.

Suddenly a look of understanding washed over her faced and her hand dropped. "Are you, nervous?" She almost seemed amused, and I wondered where her newfound bluntness came from.

I wracked my brain for an answer, and while coming up short, I spit out the first thing that came to my mind. "Well when you look like that." My eyes trailed over her body from head to toe, acknowledging the stark contrast between her skin and her long locks of hair.

This girl could easily put me in a trance.

"Really?" Her shoulders relaxed as if she thought my answer was going to be something bad. "Thank you." Her eyes fluttered and she brought her hand back up to my face. "You look really good tonight too." She took a moment to look down at my navy-blue button up, and my heart hammered loudly against my rib cage.

Looking back up at me, she rose up on her tip toes and without warning, her lips collided with mine.

Her kiss was slow and sensual at first, and I stood frozen beneath her touch, but as it deepened my body moved forward until we came to an abrupt stop. Aubree seemed unfazed by the her back hitting the tree, and she continued to leave small kisses on my lips. I wasn't sure what had gotten into her, but I wasn't about to argue it either.

Her knees wove into mine and my hand was entangled in her hair, gripping the back of her head. Aubree was so tiny that I was afraid I might break her if I held on too tight.

My brain felt scrambled as I left a trail of kisses from her lips, to her jaw, to the base of her neck, stopping just above her collarbone.

Aubree gripped my arm and if that wasn't enough to trigger some sense in me, my thoughts were collected when I felt Aubree's chest draw in a deep breath of air.

Pausing where I was at, her body stiffened beneath my touch and I straightened up, causing her helpless eyes to meet mine. "I'm so sorry." Her voice seemed frantic and dazed.

"Hey." I cupped her face. "It's okay. I took that way too far." I shook my head, scolding myself for not being patient.

She ran a hand through her hair and shook her head, "I started it." She murmured.

"Where did that come from?" I questioned, feeling very curious about her sudden courage.

"I don't' know." She answered. "I guess I just wanted to." A tingly feeling crept into my veins, and I knew I was making progress with Aubree Blackwood.


We continued our night by feasting on carnival-like food, and watching old people rekindle their love as they entered the luminary walk. I learned Aubree had a touch of hopeless romantic in her, and she probably learned the same about me as we awed over them.

We stayed until the candles started going out and the music stopped. Everything had fallen dark and silent, but I think neither of us wanted the night to end.

"Thank you for tonight." Aubree's hand found mine and she gave it a gentle squeeze.

"It was a great first date." I grinned and held her hand tighter.

Her eyes widened as she turned to look at me, "It was not a date."

"It was definitely a date." I retaliated and a corner of her lip lifted.

"Okay." She spoke softly. "It was a pretty good first date."

I smiled triumphantly and she chuckled under her breath.

Every day, Aubree was stealing my heart piece by piece, and I would let her take it until hers was whole.

Honestly live for writing these little Clayton - Aubree scenes <3


Song Running After You by Matthew Mole

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2020 ⏰

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