Chapter I: On the Run

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"So you thought you could run and hide from me huh? Well I have eyes and ears everywhere!" John snapped as he paced slowly back and forth in the abandoned toy factory. It was dark in the factory except for the light glimmering in through the windows. The floor was wet from the recent rain. There were puddles on the cement floor. You could see the reflection of yourself in the water.

John was pacing back and forth gazing at the group who was tied up to chairs with rope. Johns fellow Twisters were standing behind him ready to kill anybody that tries to escape.

"So I have one question for all of you. Not Julia," John stated as he focused his attention towards Amy, Philip, Marcus & Ashley. He then turned around real quick and rolled his eyes.

"Would someone turn on the goddamn lights? Please? Thank you! I can't interrogate if I can't see them," John yelled at his fellow Twisters.

Then one of the Twisters walked over to light light panel and turned the lights on. One by one the lights all turned on. Some lights were burnt out because of the aging wiring throughout the factory. John then focused his attention back towards everyone.

"You know Julia--it didn't have to end up like this if you would have just came with me when I demanded you to," John stated as he walked closer to Julia.

"This coat is gorgeous. Where'd you get it from? Harper's?" John asked curiously as he brushed through her hair with his hand.

"Oh that's right, you can't talk because you have duct tape over your mouth. Here allow me to take it off for you," John said as he ripped the piece of adhesive duct tape from her mouth. She screamed as the tape tore off of her face.

"Egor will come. And when he does, he'll kill you," Julia snapped as she spit at his shoes.

John continued to walk around in circles. He didn't know that a fellow Tinkerer was up in the high walkways aiming an arrow right at John. Julia didn't know that he was up there, but John did. But he didn't say anything. He was too busy "interrogating" the group.

"Now one question that is still unanswered is how the hell you all got here. Did Egor send you? Or did you buy the camera from my brothers antique shop?" John asked curiously to Amy who also had tape over her mouth.

Amy and Wally were shaking their chairs trying to loosen the tightly tied rope around their hands.

"You know what. I don't care anymore. I'm more worried about getting that ring your newfound friend. Where is the ring Julia?" John asked politely even though he was irritated.

"You'll never get it. It's in a safe place now. Somewhere where you'll never find it," Julia stated as she chuckled.

~~Twenty-Two Hours Earlier~~

"You can run, but you can't hide," John said to himself as he stood by the window in Julia's apartment that was now completely in flames because of the grenade he threw in the apartment moments before.

Julia and everyone else kept on running far away. Amy looked back and saw the Twisters running after them.

"Looks like we have some friends," Amy shouted to Julia as they continued running through the streets of Queens.

"Split up. Maybe we will lose them if we do. I mean there's only two after all," Julia yelled back to Amy. Amy, Philip, and Marcus went one way and Julia and Ashley went another way. The skies outside were dark. It looked as if it was about to rain. The tall towers and alleyways were the key to losing the Twisters.

The Twisters looked exactly like a regular everyday human. When they were super angry, they turned into their true selves...invisible monsters. John is the leader of the Twisters. No one knows where they came into the world, but Tinkerers know one thing, they're dangerous and hungry for Tinkerer blood and they'll do anything to get what they want. The last Tinkerer to be killed was Egor's wife Ellen. She tried to escape and run from John a few years ago, but failed when her ring fell off of her finger. She tried to open a portal to 1912 time period, but she failed. Egor, running by her side, opened a portal and told his wife to run into the portal behind him, but she never came through. Egor stood waiting on the other side on the famous ship Titanic hours before she set sail. He went back through the portal but her wife and the Twisters chasing them were gone. Soon enough, Egor would come to find out that his wife had been slaughtered by the Twisters in a dark alleyway. Egor searched and searched the city for his evil brother-in-law, but he was nowhere to be found. He did, however, find his wife lying on her back in the alleyway by Harper's. He ran over to her dying body and fell to his knees. He started to sob and feel guilty. Before you know it, the Tinkerer community would be born.

Anyways, Julia and Ashley ran through a portal into the future. They ran all the way to the year 2020. Unfortunately for the Twisters, they couldn't run through the portal. When Egor created the time traveling ring, he put a special spell on the portals to only allow Tinkerers thru the portals, with the exception of one mortal human being.

"Where's Egor when you need him, huh?" Julia said as she began to run out of breath from all the running. "Time traveling sure does make you tired," Julia continued.

For the other half of the group, they were still being chased by a Twister. Julia then heard their cry for help and opened a portal to their exact location. The portal, now open was just feet in front of Amy, Philip, and Marcus. They quickly ran into the portal and before you know it, the portal closed after Marcus jumped through.

"You're lucky the ring allowed you to enter the portal. Because I'm only allowed one mortal human being in a portal at a time. Egor's rules, not mine," Julia stated as she opened another portal to her friend's house. Her friends name was Natasha. She was a senior Tinkerer as well.

"Natasha I'm sorry to barge in on you like this, but the Twisters found where I lived and almost caught us all," Julia stated as Natasha jumped because she was startled.

"Come, come. You're all safe for now. You're all right on time. I was just finishing up making some tea," Natasha stated as she walked into her kitchen to take the teapot off of the burner of her gas stove.

"Oh, how could I be so rude. Allow me to introduce myself. The names Natasha. Natasha Banks. I'm a fellow Tinkerer and loyal friend of Julia's," Natasha stated as she began to shake everyone's hand.

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