Chapter IV: Interrogation

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"Nice try John. I know what you're capable of," Julia noticed as he was reaching his hand out to shake Amy's hand. John was furiated. He didn't like the fact that everyone was scared of him.

"Well at least you'll all comply to my terms," John said as he waved his Twisters to take everybody hostage. He then turned his back and walked out of the bedroom. He then walked into the dining area of Natasha's home. He saw that Natasha was crawling towards the kitchen to try and get her ring back. He stepped on her back with his left leg and bent over to look Natasha in the eye.

"It's okay Natasha. Soon enough you'll become a Twister. Don't worry it won't be painful at all. Oh wait, I lied. Yes it will," John laughed as he and his fellow Twisters walked out of the home. The rain continued to pour down outside with crashes of thunder and lightning. Then Julia and the others were forced out of the home by Johns Twisters. Their hands were tied with duct tape so they couldn't escape. Julia stopped to have a look at Natasha, who was sweating heavily from being touched by John. She was now turning into a Twister. Julia couldn't help but try and help her. But the Twisters wouldn't let her go. They pushed her and forced her to begin walking again. Once everyone was outside, the Twisters threw brown potato bags over their heads. The thunderstorm continued to do its magic. Each Twister that had one group member, teleported; one by one to their hideout. The Tinkerers, Amy and Julia, were helpless. They couldn't use their rings because their hands were tied behind their backs. Once everyone was at the Twisters secret hideout. They were all thrown into a metal brown folding chair. Then their hands were re-tied again once they were all sitting in a chair. Then the Twisters took off the potato bags from their heads and threw the bags on to the ground. John was standing in the dark. The lights were switched to off to give John his dramatic entrance.

"Welcome to Twisters headquarters. Don't worry. We didn't travel far," John stated to the group who was curious where they were. John then started pacing back and forth. Julia was sitting in the chair. She was looking around examining the area.

"Would someone turn on the goddamn lights please? I can't talk to them if I can't see them. Jeez," John snapped to his fellow Twisters as he continued to pace back and forth while constantly turning his head towards the group.

"You know. None of this would have happened if your friend here would have just complied to my terms. But nope. She had to go and open the bedroom door," John stated to the group as their attention was towards him. A minute later the lights flickered on. You could see the rain puddles from the deteriorating roof of the abandoned toy factory. There were holes in the roof all over the place. The factory had been out of business ever since the middle of the Great Depression. After prices skyrocketed, the factory couldn't afford to continue on. So they closed their doors in 1938. Anyways, the group noticed movement in the overhead walkways above the lights. It looked as if there was a man silently running across the boardwalk above everyone. He had a bow and arrow around his shoulder. Julia looked over at Amy and smiled.

"You know Julia. Your father was quite the fighter, yes he was. In fact, before he died, he begged me for mercy. But before he could say anything else, I slit his throat. I wasn't as powerful back then as I am now. But when I found out he had a daughter back in '13 I had to set out to find her. And look where she is now! She's sitting tied up to a chair right in front of me. And soon enough, I'm going to watch her be killed in action," John stated as he was still pacing back and forth.

Julia then looked up at the boardwalk above everyone. Her friend, Toby, was aiming his Bow and Arrow right at John. Julia quickly looked down before John could notice that she was looking up there. Before long, Toby was ready to shoot on Julia's signal.

"SHOOT HIM NOW!" Julia shouted as she sat in the chair. She then untied her hands and quickly got up from her chair.

Toby then shot his bow and arrow and shot John right above the heart. It pierced his left shoulder. Toby then aimed another arrow and shot it at John. The other Twisters now knew Toby was in the boardwalk. They teleported up to his location. He was soon surrounded by Twisters. As for Amy and her family, they were all cut loose by Julia. John was lying on the floor face down. Amy was finally free. She then reached out her hand and tightened her grip. Seconds later, her ring fires a powerful explosion only Twisters could feel. Everyone was soon untied. They all ran for an exit. The rings explosion caused all the Twisters to collapse and fall into a temporary sleep.

"Take that John. We'll be seeing you soon," Amy and Julia said in unison as the escaped the abandoned toy factory.

Toby soon caught up to the group. They were all waiting outside for him. He then walked out the door and shut it behind him. He walked over to Amy and her family to introduce himself.

"Hello I'm--," Toby said as he was touched by John.

John then walked out and saw the group. Their faces were priceless and full of fear. They were all surprised by how quick John healed and were wondering how he avoided being hit by the blast.

"Oh you're probably wondering how I avoided the blast right? Well that's easy. You see this ring right here? Well it's made for stuff like this. Anyways, where were we? Oh yeah I almost forgot--death!" John yelled as he walked closer and closer to the group.

Then out of nowhere a portal opened up. And a man walked thru the portal. It was Egor, the father of all Tinkerers. He came out of the portal and made sure he closed it after he walked out.

"Egor, you're here. It's about time," Julia stated as she huffed at Egor.

"Brother. You need to stop all this nonsense. You're getting nothing out of it," Egor stated as he stood aside from John.

John looked at Egor and laughed.

"Actually Egor, I am. I got you here now. That's what I've wanted this whole time," John said to Egor as they all stood out in the rain.

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