Chapter V: Egor to the Rescue

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Egor and John stood outside staring at eachother. The rain began to diminish. The thunder cracked less. The dancing lightning began to die out. The Stars soon started to become visible. Soon enough, the storm clouds disappeared and the stars began to twinkle and shine in the night sky.

"You need to stop this madness. This isn't you. I know she's controlling your mind," Egor stated as they stood outside. The ground was wet and muddy. The reflection of the stars were visible in the puddles on the ground. Julia was in shock. Egor never claimed this information was true, but now he has. Amy was looking around at everyone. Their faces were all frozen.

"What do you mean Egor? Who's controlling him?" Julia asked confused and out of breath. Egor looked over at Julia and shook his head side-to-side.

"Right now is not a good time Julia. I'll explain later. And where's your ring?" Egor asked Julia while he directed everyone to get behind him and away from John.

"Susanne. I know it's you inside his head. He was never like this before he met you," Egor stated to Susanne.

Susanne is John's wife. They met while John took a cruise to London for a week back in 1914; just months before the Lusitania was targeted by a Germans. Susanne and John were the perfect match for eachother. A few years later, they got married and returned to the United States to go on their honeymoon. Egor unfortunately was unable to attend the wedding in Winchester, England. That upset Susanne because she was super close to Egor before the wedding. The night Suzanne and Egor met was when John asked Egor to do his magic. Egor was young and not so bright back then. He was still learning how to use his new time traveling abilities. When he teleported into John's living room in Manhattan, Suzanne was intrigued and impressed. That night Suzanne stayed up all night trying to replicate Egor's creation of time travel. But when she put on the ring, made from the same materials as the Tinkerers ring, it changed it. She was no longer the lovable Suzanne you knew and loved. She was something else far worse than a Tinkerer, she was the first born Twister. Anyways, Egor kept on trying to get Suzanne out of John's head.

"Suzanne. If you don't leave John's head, you'll leave me no choice but to kill him," Egor stated. "I'm more powerful than you think Suzanne. Don't push my boundaries," Egor snapped as Suzanne wouldn't comply to Egor's terms.

Egor then demanded his ring turn into a sword. After the ring turned into a sword, he stabbed John with the sword. He then pulled the sword out. John fell to the ground barely able to breathe. He fell onto his back. He started coughing really bad and puking up blood.

"How could you do this to me? Without John, I'm powerless. But don't worry. I'll be back and when I do, it'll be leased expected," Suzanne said as she left John's body.

John then awoke from having his body controlled. He was beginning to cry. He didn't know what to say. He was breathing heavily. He looked at Egor and thanked him.

"Thank you brother. I'm finally free from her rain of terror," John said before he took his last breath of air. Egor looked down at him and smiled.

"It's good to have you back brother. Now let's get you to a hospital so we can get you patched up," Egor stated before he was interrupted by John, his not so evil brother.

"No need to. When Suzanne took over my body on our honeymoon, she injected something into my body. Turns out the thing she injected me with was actually a healing injection. I'll be back up and walking again in no time," John stated.

Julia, Amy, Marcus, Ashley, and Wally were all super confused at what just happened. They thought John was the evil person. Now it turns out that there's another bad guy?

"So you mean to tell me your wife has been controlling you this whole time?" Amy asked John curious.

John the sat up. Egor was standing and lent John a hand at getting back up on his feet. He was happy to be free of her terror.

"Allow me to re-introduce myself. My name is John and no I'm not evil and never was. So I apologize for any damage I have caused over the past year or so. As for the other Twisters, they still think I'm under Suzanne's control. So if I go back in there and tell them to stand down, they'll listen," John said as he turned his back and opened the emergency exit door to the abandoned toy factory. He then walked right back out.

"Seems as if Suzanne has already warned the Twisters I am no longer their leader. We should run. NOW!" John yelled as he began to run down the alleyway onto the streets of Manhattan.

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