Chapter II: Hideout

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You're all welcome to stay as long as you'd like," Natasha said as she walked back into the kitchen. "I was just preparing dinner for myself, but you're all welcome to join in and grab a bite or two. I wasn't expecting guests," Natasha stated as she finished up cleaning her dishes she had used for making dinner. Julia then walked into the kitchen and started helping Nat finish cleaning up the mess she'd made. Marcus and Ashley were both yawning. Julia looked over and noticed the kids were tired.

"Marcus. Ashley. If you're tired than you can go lie down in the spare bedroom down the hall. There's enough room for two in that bedroom," Julia stated softly.

Amy then grabbed the kids' hands and walked them down the hall. They're eyes were droopy.

"Mommy, what if that bad guy comes back?" Marcus asked quietly because he was half asleep. Amy looked down at Marcus. She didn't want to tell him he would be back, so she made up a lie so the kids wouldn't be afraid to go to sleep.

"Well honey. The bad guy won't be able to find us. And if he does, we'll be ready to throw some punches," Amy chuckled as she walked into the bedroom. She then let the kids' hands go and flipped on the light switch.

"Alright you two. You go lie down in that bed. If the bad guy comes, then I'll come and wake you, okay? I love you both very much. Now get some sleep. Mommies rules," Amy said as she gave them both a kiss goodnight on the forehead. She then turned around and sighed because she knew John would be back. Amy then turned off the lights and shut the door behind her gently so she wouldn't wake the kids.

~Back at an Abandoned Factory~
Twister Headquarters

"How the hell could you let them slip right out of your hands like that? How? I'm just curious. We almost had them and you let them go. If it weren't for those damn rings, they'd be here right now," John snapped as he paced back and forth in anger because Julia and the others got away.

A fellow Twister of John's finally acquired the guts to speak up, even though Twisters aren't suppose to talk on the job.

"Well sir-," the Twister said as he was interrupted by John.

"It was a rhetorical question dummy," John continued on as he threw a fit. He really wanted to get his hands on some Tinkerers really bad. But they were always one step ahead of the Twisters. Then John remembered one of Twisters told him that they were going to Julia's friends home in downtown Manhattan. He then came up with a plan to attack them while they're at their most vulnerable. His eyes twitched red for a split second. An evil smile appeared on his face. He turned around to face his Twisters.

"Okay Twisters. Get ready. I know exactly where she's staying. Let's just say it's an old friend of mine," John stated.

~Back at Natasha's Home~

Everyone was sitting in a circle on the living room floor. They were trying to come up with ideas of how to kill John, seeing that was the only way to stop his madness and rage. Julia was becoming tired and could barely keep her eyes open.

"Alright guys. Just throw some ideas out onto the floor. Don't worry we won't judge. Every idea counts," Amy said as she was thinking of an idea.

Natasha raised her hand and spoke up. She was sitting on the floor with her legs criss crossed.

"Alright. What about this one guys. What if we stop talking and wasting time, and get up and prepare for a Twister attack. He won't hesitate to kill anyone that stands in his way. Trust me I know," Natasha stated.

Amy and Julia both looked at each other. Julia nodded her head and said "yes" to Amy's question. The two girls had good news for the family and Natasha too.

"Okay guys. So we haven't told anyone this, but just tonight I made someone a Tinkerer and she happens to be sitting in this circle," Julia said as a smile came about on her face. She looked over at Amy. She then straightened her leg to take the ring out of her pocket so that Amy could put it on.

"The ring has been telling me that it wants you. Welcome to the Tinkerer community Amy," Julia said as she gave the gold and orange diamond ring to Amy. Amy put the ring on her left middle finger and examined it.

"Now remember Amy. With great power, there comes great responsibility," Julia mentioned as Amy had an enormous smile on her face.

"Well, I'm glad to be a Tinkerer. This means I can protect my family from harm's way," Amy stated to Julia.

~Back Outside Natasha's House~

John and an army of Twisters stood outside surrounding the home. John looked at the home and saw everyone through the window in the living room area.

"Ahh. Home, sweet, home," John stated as he turned around to face his fellow Twisters.

"When I say attack, we attack. Got it?" John continued as it began to rain and thunder outside.

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