Chapter III: Twister Invasion

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"Are you sure this is the place boss?" A fellow Twister asked John as they stood outside Natasha's home. It was dark outside. The moon's light was hidden by the rain clouds. It was beginning to rain. The sky lit up with excitement as the lightning began to dance around in the clouds. They walked over to the left side of the house where there was a window. The window was Julia's bedroom. The thunder cracked as they stood outside Julia's bedroom window. The curtain was then swung open. Julia saw John standing there, with an evil smile on his face. She quickly closed the curtain and ran over to the light switch and turned off the lights in her room. She was scared. Julia wondered how they found them so quickly. She silently went back over to the window and peeked through the curtain, but John and his fellow Twisters weren't there anymore. She backed away from the window. Little did she know, John teleported into her room and was standing in the corner. She tiptoed over to her bedroom door and unlocked the door.

"Ah, ah, ah. I wouldn't do that if I were you. If you want your friends to live, you'll come with me. I'm giving you a choice Julia. If you don't make a choice, my friends will bust down that door and take all of your friends and kill them all. Tinkerer or no Tinkerer. But I recently received word that Egor was here. In fact he was in this very room," John said as he twiddled his fingers while focusing his attention on Julia. His eyes were glowing dark red.

"I'm not coming with you. So you can go back to wherever you came from," Julia snapped as she cracked the door. John then began to come out of the dark corner in the room. You could see his face come into the flickering lightning from the window outside.

"Are you sure? Because this house is surrounded by Twisters. And when you ran away from me yesterday, you gave me some time to assemble a team myself. If you call this a "team" then I highly suggest you go back to the drawing board," John chuckled seriously.

Julia then reached for her ring and pressed the diamond to alert Amy and all other surrounding Tinkerer's. Amy and Natasha came barging into the room. Julia pointed towards the window. She dropped to her knees, scared.

Amy flipped the light switch to on, but the lights didn't turn back on. When John teleported back outside, he cut the power to, not only Julia's bedroom, but the entire house.

"Hey I was listening to the Yankees play! What the hell?" Wally snapped as the house turned dark. Wally was in the living area sitting by the front window listening to the radio as the Yankees played ball.

Julia looked at Amy. Amy noticed Julia was looking at her through the corner of her eye.

"Now would be a good time to put on that ring, Amy," Julia whispered to Amy as they stood side by side. Wally came running into the bedroom. He was out of breath from running.

"He's here. We need to go now. Julia! Open a portal now," Wally demanded as he stared at Julia. Julia then turned around and ordered Wally to get out of the way. She stuck her hand out straight and pointed at the wall across the wall. But something was wrong. Her orange diamond was missing from her gold ring.

"Okay--that's weird. The portal isn't opening," Julia said as John and his Twisters began pounding on the front door. Everyone was in Julia's bedroom. Julia kept on trying to open a portal to Egor's shop, but her ring wasn't working. After two more tries, she realized that her orange diamond was not on the ring. Julia then looked to Amy who was standing behind her.

"Now remember what Egor said. This is a perfect time to use the ring. Now concentrate and open a portal. Think of a place where you want to go, and then the portal will open to that time. Anywhere, but here," Julia stated as she guided Amy through the steps of opening a portal.

Amy kept on trying to open a portal, but it wasn't working. Amy then gave up after a few tries.

"I--I can't do it. I'm sorry," Amy said as she began to freak out.

Julia stood there. Julia kept on encouraging Amy, but her ring wouldn't allow her to open the portal to her time...2017.

"Egor!" Julia huffed as she began to get angry at him.

"I can't believe he put restrictions on your ring. Let me see your ring dear. I want to see if it'll work for me," Julia said as Amy quickly took the ring off of her finger and gave it to Julia.

Then the front door came crashing down. The lightning struck and the thunder rumbled on. The rain continued to dance around once it hit the ground. John and his fellow Twisters were now barging into the home. And there went just three, there were almost a hundred Twisters surrounding the home. Finally back in the room, Julia was able to get a portal open. But the portal wasn't going to allow more than one mortal in at once. She had to hurry and make several trips. In order to get everyone to safety, someone had to go fight off the Twisters to give the group and Julia some time.

"I'll do it," Natasha said from the back of the group. Then she ran out of the bedroom and into the living area. She had her ring on, but it wasn't a gold and orange diamond ring, it was a silver and sky blue diamond ring. She is the oldest Tinkerer known to all Tinkerers. Her ring had the power to wipe out an entire colony of Twisters if it was necessary. Instead her ring turned into a shield that spanned from wall-to-wall, bying the group some time to all get in the portal. But once the shield went up, the Twisters began to get really angry. The ring wasn't powerful enough to withhold the force of hundreds of Twisters, but it was able to hold 'em off long enough to buy some time. John, the leader of the Twisters, touched the shield. The shield began to turn a bright red and orange color. The shield was originally suppose to be sky blue because the ring was blue. Anyways, he touched the shield and started diminishing the rings power. The ring began to glow bright blue, indicating the ring was losing power. Therefore, Natasha couldn't hold the shield anymore. Her plan has failed. Back in the room, Julia and the rest of the gang stopped in their footsteps and looked at the doorway. They heard Natasha scream loudly, indicating the shield has fallen.

"We're out of time. We must hurry," Julia whispered to Marcus, Ashley & Philip.

Then John walked into the bedroom. He stopped right in the doorway. He looked at Julia and the remaining mortals.

"Oh Julia. Why didn't you just listen to me when I asked you to keep the door closed? Now I'm going to have to take you all hostage," John stated as the rest of the Twisters flooded the bedroom. Everyone that was in the portal walked out slowly with their hands up.

"Now. Let's try this again. You either come with me, or you all die," John said as he stood in the doorway. "Oh about your friend--Natasha was it? Oh yeah, she's dead," John continued. Julia looked at John and ran at him and tried punching him in the face with her fist, but was thrown to the ground by his bodyguard.

"Oh and Amy was it? Nice to meet you. I'm John. I hear you're now a Tinkerer? Is that right?" John said as he reached his hand out to shake Amy's hand.

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