Chapter VI: Tinker & Twisters Battle

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"EGOR; THE RING! Use it to put the Twisters into a deep sleep," Julia shouted as they were running down the streets of Manhattan. Suzanne's powerful army of Twisters were closing in on the group. They needed a distraction and fast. They needed to get away so they could assemble an army of Tinkerers. Egor then started calling upon all Tinkerers around the world. They couldn't defeat the hundreds of Twisters alone. They needed help. Egor put his ring up near his mouth and began speaking into the ring as if it were some sort of walkie-talkie.

"Alright everyone. The Twisters are back. I'm calling upon all Tinkerers from around the world to help us defeat and wipe Twisters off the face of the Earth for good. Now who's with me?" Egor said as he spoke into the ring. Then one by one Tinkerers from around the world started jumping out portals. They went right to work. They used their rings as their weapons. The ring had the power to shoot and target Twisters. Tinkerers from Australia, England, China, Iraq, Germany, and South America, South Korea, and the United States of America, were all coming through their portals. Egor had a smile on his face as he knew the battle would end with a Tinkerer victory.

"Allo Mate. Good to see you again," Duke from Australia yelled as he started to shoot incoming Twisters.

Marcel, from South Korea jumped through her portal and landed on her feet.

"It's good to be back boss," Marcel yelled as she also began shooting Twisters. Suzanne watched from the Phantom Zone as her army started to die out one by one. The Twisters began running at the foreign Tinkerers. Egor and the rest of the group stopped running. Everyone from around the world was still coming through the portals. When everyone was coming through the portals it looked as if a sudden bolt of lightning touched the ground for a split second. These Tinkerers are the best, and highly skilled.

Abby from Germany popped in to say hi and kick some Twister ass.

"I heard the call for help and couldn't resist but come here and beat some Twister ass," Abby yelled as she made a dramatic entrance to the battle.

"Well you're a little late, aren't you?" Duke from Australia stated as they were already fighting the army of Twisters.

Abby stood there and huffed at Duke. She flipped her hair and started running into the action.

"Oh and by the way, I had to finish putting my make-up on. If you have a problem with that, you can tell Egor after we're finished here," Abby joked as she ran away from Duke. "Now who's not battling when they're suppose to?" Abby smirked as she looked back at Duke standing there in shock. His face was priceless.

"She so gorgeous. Why didn't you ask her out?" Duke said to himself as he stood there slapping his forehead. "Stupid, stupid, stupid," he said as he then got back into the game and ran towards the action himself. Then Malabar popped through his portal.

"Good evening' fellow Tinkerers. Are these Twisters bothering you? I'll take care of that. I'll just detonate the bombs I planted on them when they weren't expecting it," Malabar, from Iraq stated as he pressed the red button to his bombs. One by one the Twisters collapsed and fell to the ground.

Marcel became upset. He looked at Malabar and shouted at him. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Now where's the fun in that Malabar?" Marcel shouted to Malabar.

Malabar stood there as he watched all the Twisters fall to the ground. He looked over his shoulder, like a hippo peeking his eyes out of the water.

"Bombs are fun. Especially when they're hand crafted by me of course! But you're just a puny little white man from South Korea," Malabar stated as he replied back to Marcel. "Puny South Koreans. Always think they know who's best," Malabar continued as he walked away and started whistling.

"Hey Malabar! I think you missed a couple," Marcel shouted as another wave of Twisters were running towards the Tinkerers. Egor ran over to Marcel and the rest of the gang. He told the Tinkerers, including Julia and Amy, to form a line from one side of the road to the other. They were going to all make a temporary shield together. A shield that, if touched, would detonate and only kill Twisters.

"Well shit. I have no more bombs. Now I have to do this the old way," Malabar said sarcastically as he walked over to the Tinkerers. They began to line up in a straight line and aim the rings at the incoming Twisters. Once they were all in line, their rings started to glow a bright orange. The Twisters saw that they were making a shield and began to run faster so that they could attack them before the shield was formed. But it was too late. Seconds later, a shield the height of a ten story building was formed. It spread from one building from one side of the street to the other. The Twisters continued running full force. Eventually, they all smashed into the shield, causing them to all disintegrate and turn into dust. A few minutes later the shield fell. The Tinkerers had won the battle and started jumping around and hollering in excitement.

"Well that was a lousy battle--for the Twisters at least," everyone said as the continued to dance and jump around. Egor then told everyone to silence themselves so he could congratulate everyone on their victory.

"Alright everyone. This is a victory indeed, but we lost some good people along the way. Natasha for one and Toby for two. They were both amazing Tinkerers and will never be forgotten. But their deaths allow me to add two new Tinkerers to the team. Once everything goes back to the way it was, I will announce the new candidates in the coming months. So stay tuned my fellow Tinkerers. I wish you all well in your travels back to your countries. Thank you and goodnight," Egor said as he dismissed everyone. Then one by one everyone opened a portal back to their countries and they disappeared. All that was left was Julia, Amy and her family.

"Now as for you Amy, I hereby declare you an official Tinkerer. I have taken off all restrictions from your ring. I have also told Julia she is allowed to start training you now as well. Once you're training is done, you may go back to your time. But only until then are you not allowed to leave this time era. I don't want you going back to your time just yet," Egor stated as he gave Amy a certificate of becoming an official Tinkerer.

"Amy the Tinkerer. It's kinda catchy. Don't ya think?" Julia said as she smiled at Amy. Egor then said his goodbyes and opened a portal back to his shop. Then after he walked in, the portal closed and there was no one left but Julia and Amy and her family.

"Let's go get something to eat. I'm starved," Amy said as her stomach began to grumble.

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