Chapter VIII: Farewell, My Friends

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Later that night everyone was out back. They didn't want anyone to see that there was magic in the world. Amy and Julia were hugging each other. Ashley and Marcus were in tears because they didn't want to leave. John wasn't crying but he seemed down. He wanted to get to know Amy better, but it's too late.

"I'm going to miss the heck out of you, you know that Amy. You came here confused and wondering how you ended up in 1942. But once I met you, I knew we were going to be close friends. But time just flew by. With all that happened with the Twisters and John--," Julia was saying before she was interrupted by John.

"Yeah sorry about that," John said as he interrupted Amy and Julia's goodbye conversation. He stood there with his hands in his pockets.

"Anyways, as I was saying. With all that happened when you arrived, it just all went too quick. And I never really got to know you. And now that you're leaving, I'll never be able to get to know as well as I planned on to," Julia said as she began to breakdown in tears. Wally and Phillip were standing behind the girls holding Marcus and Ashley's hands. They are acting strong because they didn't want to show who they really were. On the inside, they were saddened because they didn't want to leave.

"I'm going to miss you too Julia. Just know you're always welcome to come visit me in my time anytime you'd like. Hell, maybe you could come back with us now so you can meet my grandmother Susie," Amy asked as Julia was on her knees on the ground.

"As much as I would love that, I have to stay here and focus on getting my life on track. After Suzanne made John throw a grenade into my apartment, I don't have anywhere to live. So right now that's my main priority. And I have to find a new job because I believe I got fired for not showing up for a week. Whoops," Julia chuckled as she stood back up.

"As for you John, I'll have to talk to Egor about giving you a Tinkerer ring. I mean you're no longer the bad guy so if I were him, I would say "why not." I'm sure that won't be a problem, would it?" Amy stated as John stood a few feet back from everyone else.

"Actually Julia, I'm good at the moment. I would also like to get my life on the right track seeing I haven't had a life since 1923 when I met Suzanne," John stated as he shook his head no at Julia. "I must be going now. I have to somehow clear my head of all this mess. I'll be seeing you guys," John continued on to say as he began to walk away from the group and back into the hotel room.

Julia and Amy stood in front of one another. They both looked each other in the eyes and started tearing up. They decided to give each other one last hug before Amy opened a portal back to her time.

"Alright one last hug wouldn't hurt," Amy said as she reached her arms out to Julia. Julia then rushed into Amy's arms. That's when Julia and Amy both began to cry.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye for now," Amy said as her and Julia began to walk backwards from each other. Amy then turned around and opened a portal. Soon enough, her and her family were gone and Julia was left alone in the back of the hotel. Once they were gone, Julia then started to walk back towards the front of the hotel. Then out of the blue, she heard a familiar voice in her head.

"Hello Julia. Let's get this party started. Shall we?" Suzanne said as she began to take over Julia's mind.

~Two Days Later~

"It's good to see you again," Susie, Amy's grandmother stated as she reached in for a hug.

Amy then smiled as she was happy to be home. Everyone looked like a mess. Amy and Susie then walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table.

"So tell me everything. Did you meet my friend Julia? Did you defeat the Twisters? How's John? Is he better now that he's free from that psychopath Suzanne?" Susie said as she was ready to listen to the entire story of what all went down in 1942.

"Well--," Amy said as she began to tell her entire story.

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