Prince Nikolai

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name; Nikolai "Nikky" Schreave
age; 20 [3 months younger than maximus]
status; selecting prince
personality; Nikolai has a lot of brilliant things on his mind, but they never come out of his mouth quite as brilliant. while he is intelligent and can be diplomatic in a wide and public setting, when it comes to talking one-on-one, especially with girls, nikky is awkward and far too blunt, often driving possible friends away and leaving him lonely. but he's learned to deal with and rather enjoy this loneliness, which he fills with knowledge about his home kingdom, a place that still astonishes him, and other random facts that he often tries to use to impress people - this route often ends with others being weirded out by the "nerdy prince". he is quite self-conscious, about his looks and the fact that he doesn't truly fit in with the rest of his family, who he can sometimes be jealous of, but he can mostly push all of that aside and be kind and loving to his family, and anyone else he meets, as long as they take the time to look past his strange quirks.
likes; books, being in nature, pretty girls [although he would never be able to talk to them]
dislikes; loud noises, failure, big dogs
background/history; nikolai was born in a poor village in africa [or whatever it's called in this time period] and was abandoned by his parents. he barely remembers what his homeland was like, though, because when he was quite young, he was adopted by complete chance from the royal family, who gave him his current name, which had until then been child #136, and raised him like their own son. nikky has always felt a little distant and out-of-place next to his perfect, outgoing, light-skinned siblings and parents, but he's always tried his best to look past that and be friendly to them - from the comfort of his room and the library, of course.
face claim; jay versace
sexuality; asexual panromantic
Jason Schreave (Adoptive Mother)
Malina Schreave (Adoptive Mother)
Xander Schreave (Older Adopted Brother)
Maximus Schreave(Older Adopted Brother)
Clara Schreave (Older Adopted Sister)
Amil Schreave (Younger Adopted Brother)
Alexandra Schreave (Younger Adopted Sister)
Josephine Schreave (Younger Adopted Sister)
Sabrina Schreave (Younger Adopted Sister)

Played by neverIand-

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