Illéa Capital Report

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Good Afternoon Illéa! I am your host Grayson Fray. Today some of your Princes have an announcement to make. Introducing Crown Prince Xander, Prince Maximus, and Prince Nikolai.

The three princes stood in front of the camera and began to speak.

"People of Illéa. My brothers and I have decided to host a Selection." Xander said.

"Ladies all across Illéa can compete to win the hearts of Prince Xander, Prince Maximus, and Prince Nikolai," Maximus continued.

"There are fifteen spots in this years Selection. We hope all eligible ladies will sign up." Nikolai said last.

Well people of Illéa you've heard them. The princes are hosting a Selection. Any lady eligible to take part in the Selection do sign up. Only 15 girls will be chosen. So....sign up now and you might become our next Queen or Princess. I am Grayson Fray and Thank you for watching the Illéa Capital Report.

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