Illéa Capitol Report

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Hello Illéa. The Selection has been continuing on. We now have our Elite. 6 girls are still in the competition. We can only wait and see which one wins the Princes' hearts. In other news, we are sad to announce in the last Rebel Attack we lost our beloved Queen Malina and youngest Princess Sabrina. Will everyone please give a minute of silence for the Queen and Princess.

It disheartens me to tell you this news. One of the royals are in league with the rebels. Prince Amil has been working with the rebels and has caused the deaths of the Queen and Princess. Thankfully they have the former Prince locked up and being questioned. That is all for today people of Illéa. Thank you for tuning in and have a good day.

Selection Roleplay (COMPLETED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz