Princess Josephine

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Name: Josephine Schreave
Age: 16
Status: princess
Personality: Josephine has a very outgoing personality when you get to know her. She's kind, very generous, stubborn, and fearless. She's mature and serious when she needs to be, but bubbly and playful. She likes to spend time off in the garden and read books. Josephine's also very modest.
Likes: Books, dogs, food, gardens, piano
Dislikes: Snobbish people, braggers, being ignored
Backstory: Josephine grew up in the castle with all of her siblings, being the second youngest. She is quite mature and understanding for her age.
Face claim: Gal Gadot
Sexuality: straight
Others: She has a lucky charm in the shape of a key and wears it wherever she goes
Jason Schreave (Father)
Malina Schreave (Mother)
Xander Schreave (Older Brother)
Maximus Schreave(Older Brother)
Nikolai Schreave (Older Adopted Brother)
Clara Schreave (Older Adopted Sister)
Amil Schreave (Older Brother)
Alexandra Schreave (Older Sister)
Sabrina Schreave (Younger Sister)

Played by colorlessforests

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