Chapter 8-A Plan of Mystery

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        "Ok it's been a day and Louie's still not up. What do we do,"Sarah said.

         "Give it time we don't have the ritual until less than a week,"Anna said.

         "I know but we need to do the spell,"Sarah said.

          "No it has to be done at night,"Abigail yelled. 

           "Yeah I agree,"Anna said. "But for now while we are waiting lets talk about the ritual." "Ok, so I think we need to look up some places because we have to make sure we get the perfect spot because at the school isn't that good."

            "Yeah but where else are we going to go, the only place to go is the old place in Britain which I checked on the little mouse thing and it said its no longer there,"Abigail said. 

             "Ok so the mouse thing is actually a computer and can you go get it so we can look up the places,"Sarah said.

              "Ok,"Abigail said as she was walking upstairs.

               As she went to get her lap top, Anna and Sarah were talking as they noticed an eye move of Louie's. They looked as though shocked and happy that he was alive. His eyes started to open up wide as he looked tired and pale. "Hey guys,"he said in a scratchy voice. 

             "Hi, are you evil,"Sarah asked.

             Louie giggled like everything of what happened was just a dream. But it wasn't, instead it was real just one real thing to ever experience. As five minutes passed, Abigail got down with the lap top speechless that Louie was alive. She gave Sarah the laptop as she looked up top 10 places to visit. As she searched it she saw only five places that looked pretty but they all disagreed on them. Until finally they found a place called, Oregon Feilds which was known for one of the best places to hold activities like rituals or other fun things fir supernatural creatures. 

               "This is perfect, now we can go and do this ritual with everything we got. Now all we need is the stuff for it and then we can go over and practice,"Sarah said.

      "Yeah,"Louie agreed.

      "Lets go and pack,"Abigail said excitingly.

      As they packed they decided to bring clothes and other materials to stay at the place for a couple of days. Sarah packed food, waters and snacks for the place as Louie packed the tooth brushes and things from the bathroom as Abigail got the computers and other electronics and Anna used her magic to teleport her magic spell book to Sarah's house on to her bed. Soon as they were done packing they headed out by noon.  As they got in the car Anna drove as Abigail was in the passengers seat and Louie and Sarah were in the back looking on their phones as they were playing two separate games. Sarah played Scrunchies Attack which was a beauty game and Louie played Mathly Madness when you have to do anything you can to solve the algorithms. 

       Once they got to their first stop and they got the materials they need to preform the ritual which were weapons like a stake so they can use just in case the demon tries to attack. At hte next stop they got outfits and hair done but Louie hated it. They got black outfits and got their hair done nice and also make up so they would look good for the ritual and finally they started to drive to the place looking fabulous ready to practice. With Sarah's blond hair looking nicely combed and having a black crop top, with a lathered jacket on top, lathered pants on the bottom with high heals as Louie just had a normal black tee shirt with ordinary sweats so he can look nice without glasses or braces. Anna and Abigail just wore black dresses ready to start the show.

     Soon in a five days they arrived at the most beautiful place ever where they went to drop their bags and the biggest hotel Oregon had to offer which was a big luxury place with over two rooms, Italian furniture and a fridge with tons of nice sweets. 

      "Wow, we made a nice choice,"Sarah said looking around going inside.

     "Yeah, I agree they have the nicest hotels for only $200 and even nicer with ones that are very expensive,"Anna said. 

      "Yeah I agree, even though we had to use my moms credit card but ok she wouldn't care shes on a business trip anyways,"Sarah said with a brave smile.

      "I know and it's fine we won't get in trouble for borrowing 1,000 dollars,"Abigail said still looking around the room.

      "Hey guys check out the rooms their amazing,"Louie yelled.

      They looked at the rooms as they saw the most beautiful light ever. They began to decide to stay there for a night and then the next day they would practice for the biggest hell that was about to come. The next day came and they went to go practice the ritual walking to the park. As they went to the park they set down the things and Louie took a deep breath in the air feeling sarcastic. 

The Death of The Demonic RitualOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora