Run 1

885 60 17

Painful Beginning


Yoona stirred awake as she hears consecutive knocks from the door of her room.

"Ms. Yoona?" She heard Kim Taeyeon, her mother's personal secretary called her "are you awake?"

"What is it?" She asked in muffled voice

The door swung open and Taeyeon welcomed her with a warm smile. "Good morning, Ms. Yoona." She greeted

Yoona rolls her eyes "I already told you a million times to stop calling me that," Yoona deadpans "you're working for my mother not for me."

"Fine." Taeyeon chuckled and pulled the blanket out of Yoona's body "Wake up now, someone is waiting for you downstairs."

Yoona looked at her "Who?" She asked "is it Chanyeol? Why is he so early?"

"It's.. it's not your boyfriend.." Taeyeon mumbles looking at her lap "it wasn't Chanyeol."

Yoona sat up "then who?" She asked confuse

"You'll know when you get there."

"Can't you tell me now?"

"I can't."

Yoona sighs "Fine," she said "I'll just change."

Taeyeon smiles "Sure, I'll wait for you."

After changing into some comfortable clothes, Yoona and Taeyeon exited Yoona's room and walked towards the long circular staircase of the Lim's Mansion.

[A.N: mind if I use 'Lim' instead of 'Im' as Yoona's surname, everyone?]

The large thin aquarium standing on the north part of their mansion, that serves as a wall separating the spacious living room and dining area are now glowing because of the lights her mother installed yesterday. It is beautiful yet it's hurting Yoona's eyes.

From the stairs, she can clearly see her mother and father sitting on the long couch of their living room and there's another three person sitting across them.

She can't see the faces of the other three persons but she's sure that one of them is a woman while the other two are men.

She suddenly felt pang in her heart. She stopped from walking and Taeyeon did also. "Taeyeon," she said almost a whisper "don't tell me.. he's.. he's the one they're talking about?"

"I'm sorry, Yoona." Taeyeon apologize and Yoona already knows that she's right "I didn't expect him to come this sooner."

Yoona heaved a tired sigh "I can't believe my parents are still into this stupid feud." She said "how many times do I have to tell them that I already have Chanyeol and I love him."

"I'm sorry—"

"You don't have to say sorry," Yoona said, cutting her "it's my parents' fault, not yours."

After saying those, she proceed on walking towards the living room with Taeyeon following her from behind.

Once she reached the living room, her mother smiles at her while her father maintains his straight face.

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