Chapter 2

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when I woke up, i didnt open my eyes, I wanted to go back to sleep so I kept them closed. Corse I thought I was on my bed so I pulled the covers closer. then something pulled back. I figured my dog was pulling on the covers so i would wake up and let him out. So i pulled back on the covers. but they were pulled back, this time uncovering me completly. I groaned and sat up.

"God damn it Barron Im tired I want to sleep for-" I opened my and saw that the thing that was pulling the covers back wasnt my dog. No, no instead it was something Much more unpleasent. There was a guy laying there. He had blonde curly shaggy hair that went down to his ears. He was shirtless, laying on his stomach sleeping. Last nights memories came rushing into my head. This guy wasnt the same guy that grabbed me last night. I dont know how I knew, but I did. I screamed and jumped off the bed. I then realized that my left foot was chained to the bed, so as I jumped off the bed I ended up falling on the ground. I looked around and moved over to the wall and hid in the corner, hugging my knees. The guy on the bed sat straight up, rolled over and looked to where I was laying. His eyes widened. Then he looked up and saw me in the corner, releif washed over his face. I started shaking again. then the guys eyes widened and looked toward the door. Just then I heard footsteps coming toward the door. I felt tears start falling down my cheeks. Then the door opened and a nother dude came running in. He was the one that took me last night. I got a better look at him though. He had short light brown hair that he had spiked up in the front I already knew he had Sky blue eyes, his skin was a golden color and he was wearing a grey T-shirt that was tight on him, showing his muscles on his abdamin and his arms, like it literaly looked like the t-shirt was about to tear, and blue jeans, god he was adorable. the first thing he saw was me cowering in a corner. Then he looked at blondie who was still sitting on the bed with his eyes wide.

"What Did You Do To Her Chris???" the guy that took me growled. was he sick or something? he growled a lot.

"I didnt Do anything!! I swear!" the guy on the bed -whos name is aperently Chris- said.

"So then why'd she scream?" the other guy asked, then said, "You slept with her didnt you? You Mother Fucking Ass hole! I told you to Watch Her!!"

"I couldnt help it! I was really Tired and shes so cute." Chris whinned, looking at me. The other guy growled louder. Chris quickly snaped his head around to look at the other guy, "Im sorry! I didnt mean it! And not that it helps with anything but I didnt touch her!"

"Get Out of my room Now. we'll continue this later." the guy said

"Yes sir." Chris said. He got out of the bed, lowering his head. he walked around the other guy and out of the room. The other guy turned around and closed the door then turned around and walked over to me.

"Did he hurt you?" He asked, kneeling down next to me. I shook my head. Why did He care what happened to me? he looked at me. I looked at the ground. there was a very very awquard silence for a couple minutes.

"why'd you take me?" I asked finally annoyed with the silence.  He hesitated.

"I cant tell you right now." He finaly said.

"Why?" I asked, looking at him.

"Dont worry you'll find out eventually." he said. I was worried about that. For all I knew he just wanted to rape then kill me. He grabbed my wrist which sent tingles up my arm. "I promise I wont hurt you." He said. I didnt want to not  be afraid of him. I wanted to be terrified of him. but I wasnt. I felt safe when I was around him. I started to relax a little bit. I stopped shaking. I was about to ask what his name was when the door opened and someone else ran in. It was a girl.

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