Chapter 8

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Like I said. It was a long night. We walked about halfway home when I decided I was tired and wanted to go to sleep. In the middle of the night Kenzie would wake up with nightmares. Either of the night that her parents died, or the people from the other pack chasing her in the woods. When we first went to sleep she wanted to sleep by her self. But I ended up waking up to her little body curling up against mine. After that I fell asleep again. but was woken up by Anna talking to me through the mind link.

Kylee Wake Up! I need to tell you something! She said. I tryed to ignore her. KYLE!

Anna, do you Know what time it is? Me and Kenzie are trying to sleep. And u are waking me up causing me to wake Kenzie up I replyed. which wasnt the whole truth but oh well.

Its 4:05 am. But thats not the point! I know whats wrong with Kat!

You do? What?

you wont like it. She said

Dont care just tell me! I replyed. She hesitated.

ok well she was having a nightmare so I went in to wake her up. She was talking in her sleep. I think Chris either rapped or tryed to rape her

WHAT!!!!! I gasped

I might be wrong but I seriously doubt it.

What was she saying?

Well at first she was crying and I heard her and went in. But when I entered she started begging someone to get off her then she said 'Chris get off please you hurting me' Then I woke her up

what did she say when you woke her up?

She said she was fine. She avoided looking me in the eyes though. She said. I sat up. There was no point in going back to sleep now. I am going to Kill Chris.

Thanks Anna. Could you keep a eye on her and make sure Chris doesnt go near her. but dont make it to obviouse. We'll be home tomorrow I sighed

Oh you got Kenzie already?

yeah. And a extra.

Huh? what do you mean by that?

Bazil found his mate. She was also abused im guessing. we walked in and the alpha slapped her. Then she hid behind Bazil.

Thats Great! well, not the abused part. And I never liked that alpha.

the alpha your thinking of isnt alpha anymore. its his son.

Well, Guess the apple doesnt fall to far from the tree. Ok. So Im tired and going back to bed. you better get home soon tomorrow.  She said. I didnt reply. I didnt really know how. Instead I stood up and decided to go for a little walk. I walked away from our little camp site and off into the woods. Rex was sleeping, thank god. I didnt feel like dealing with him right at this moment. If he was awake he'd be screaming at me and praticaly fighting his was out. I should have taken Kat with me. I dont care if she wasnt a alpha or not. Did Chris hurt her when I left? That guy is dead to me. Ugh I hate people. Especialy those people that can make you go from 'This is the best day ever!' to 'I am going to kill every person on planet Earth' in 3.4 seconds. As I was thinking about how much I hate people I heard someone cough behind me. I turned around and saw April standing there. Her hands were in her pockets and she was looking at the ground.

"Uh. Hey April. What are you doing up?" I asked. She looked up at me. I just then realized she had dark Green eyes that stood out.

"Um, Can I walk with you?" She asked.

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