Chapter 7

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FYI: Im having a major time jump happen in the book cuz I cant really think of stuff and yea.



It had been almost a week since the 'Incident' in the woods. I had come to like Kyle and Anna and them. I still didnt like Chris. He would still eye rape me when ever me and him were in the same room. But Kyle never left my side so thats probaly why nothing else happened.

I had a blast at Kyles. Kyle wanted me to learn how to fight but didnt want me to learn how till he got back from his 2 day trip that did I mention that I didnt want him to go? No? Well I really didnt want him to leave me. 1 because I wanted to be near him all the time. And 2, because with him not by my side that leaves me vouranable to Chris. Which Kyle Still didnt know about. On the day that he had to leave, I was purplesly stalling him.

"Why do you Not want me to go? I need to know now." Kyle said as he was getting ready in the bathroom. I was sitting on the bed watching him.

"Ill miss you to much. I dont like being alone here" I pouted.

"I'll miss you to but I cant help it. I need to go. A nother pack took one of my pack members and I need to get her back."

"What?" I asked clearly confused.

"Ill explain when I come back ok?" He asked. then walked out of the bathroom. I looked at him and I could feel tears forming in my eyes. "Ok. Something happened to you I know it. What Happened"

"Nothing. I just Dont want you to leave me. Cant you take me with you?"

"We've been through this. Since your not a wolf your not allowed to come" He sighed. He's told me this about a hundred times. I looked at the ground Stupid wolf laws I thought to my self. "I heard that." Kyle said. He walked over to the bed and knelt down in front of me and grabbed my hand.

"Please dont go." I begged.

"I dont have a choice."

"Why cant you send Ryan?"

"Cause this is a alpha thing. Dont worry. soon youll be able to go to." He smiled at the last part. I forgot that he was planing on 'turning' me. I smiled.

"What Color do you think Ill be?" I asked. He stared at me for a minute.

"Black. With Golden colored eyes. Ok Now I really got to go." He stood up and pulled me up with him. I walked with him to the front door. He was taking Bazil with him. Ryan was mad about that but once Kyle and Bazil left, he seemed to feel better. My whole day after that involved sitting on the couch watching movies and Drake bringing me food. Even though I told him I could do it my self, but he said cooking keeps him occupied. For lunch he made this home made Pizza that was better then any pizza I have ever eaten. It had Bacon, green pepers, onions, pepronie, and a huge amount of cheese.. It was Awesome. When I finished watching my movie, it was 2 guns just in case you were wondering, I brought my plate in to the kitchen and saw Anna Leaning against the sink Looking out of the window.

"Hey Kat." Anna said without looking away from the window. She was one of the few people that still called me Kat. Once everyone found out that I knew about werewolves, the pack, and the mate stuff they all started calling me Luna. Well Kyle didnt. Anna didnt. But other than that everyone did.

"What ya doin?" I asked putting my plate on the counter.

"Just thinkin' bout stuff." She replied.

"Like what?" She turned around and looked at me then said.

"Have you seen Frozen?" She asked.

"Um I cant say that I have. Why?"

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