Chapter 6

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Once we got back to the house Kyle and the other guys came out to help with the bags. After we sorted through what was mine and what wasnt, me and Kyle took my stuff up to his room. I had just then noticed he had a flat screen TV hanging on the wall. Sooo unfair.we put the bags of clothes in the corner and started to unload everything on his bed.

"Do you really need all this clothing?" Kyle asked with his eyes wide, staring at the bed. or what was the bed. right now it was acting like a dresser.

"Ask Anna and Isabelle." I said.

"What ones your favorite?" He asked. I thought for a momment and pointed at the short short jeans and the grey Thin tshirt. "Wanna try it on for me?"

"What? No!" I laughed.

"Please!! I wanna see what it looks like on you." He begged. I glared at him.

"Fine." I finaly said, grabbing the jeans and tshirt. He smiled and I headed into the bathroom closing the door behind me. 

"Thank you" I heard Kyle say. I rolled my eyes as I changed into the clothes. when I came out Kyle was sitting on the stool waiting for me. I saw his eyes light up when he looked at me "Whoa"

"what? do you not like it" I asked.

"No I Love it. It looks awesome on you." He said. He looked like he wanted to say more but he just smiled.

"Ok I might not have been here long enough to fully understand what that look on your face is, but I know you want to add something. So what is it?" I walked over to him and stood in front of him.  But, did he answer my question? No, corse not. No Instead he laughed and pulled me on to his lap. Sparks went flying through me as my body was touching his.

"Your cute." He laughed.

"Thank you, its one of my many talents." I smiled. He leaned in closer. I knew what was gonna happen. so Why didnt I pull away? I dont know. But Im glad I didnt.  His lip connected with mine and let me say, Sweet mother of Jesus it was awesome. His lips were so soft and gentale, which is something you wouldnt expect from him, he doesnt seem like the gentale type. It felt like Fireworks were flying through me. Then he started to lift up my shirt when I jumped off him.

"Oh Come on. What was that for?" He asked.

"Your gonna have to start telling me the truth before you get any." I said smiling.

"Are you serious?"

"As a heart attack." I said. He glared at me. GOD IM SMART!!!!

"Fine." He said standing up "Appearently you dont remember, or you do your just trying to forget but Ill show you."

"Wait what?" I asked. He took off his shirt and threw it on the bed. he had a six pack. I kinda already figured that but to acutally see it was a different story. I felt my knees go weak. "What exactly are you doing?"

"Im showing you why my eyes turn a stormy grey color, why I growle a lot, why im so protective over you, and why I took you." He said.

"Again. What exactly are you doing?" I asked He closed his eyes and when he opened them again they were a stormy grey color and kinda glowing. His body started steaming. I heard bones cracking. Then he jumped in the air and when he landed, he wasnt human anymore. In his place was a Giant Golden colored wolf. Well more like a caramel color. If I was standing Next to him, his back would be up to the bottom of my rib cage. My eyes widened. I backed up and ran into the wall. He started walking closer to me. For some reason I wasnt really Afraid of him. I mean say a different guy had just turned to a wolf in front of me and basicly cornered me I would have been screaming to high heaven.

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