Chapter 4

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when I woke up, Kyles arm was around my waist. I rememberd telling him what I acutally thought about him. and i rememberd breaking down yesterday and wanting to tell Kyle what really happened when Chris came in the room. But Chris said that If I told Kyle he'd Kill me.

We didnt 'talk'. After Kyle left, I layed on the bed to go to sleep. I didnt hear the door open and close. All of a sudden something was on top of me, stradleing me and pinning my arms to my sides. I opened my eyes and saw Chris sitting on me. he put a hand over my mouth so I couldnt scream. I started shaking again and crying

"Damn. Kyle was lucky to get you." He smiled. with his other hand, he rubbed his finger on my cheek, down my chin and neck and down to my belly button. He lifted up my shirt. then he took his hands off my mouth so he could pull my pants down.

"What are you doing?? Stop Please!" I cryed. he put a finger to my lips.

"Shh dont worry baby it'll be over soon" He smiled then started to unbutton his jeans. I tryed to get away but I couldnt.

"No please dont!! Please ill do what ever you want!" i begged. he laughed.

"You already are sweetheart!" He smiled. Then looked toward the door. he turned white as paper. he quickly pulled my pants up and my shirt down and grabbed my shoulders and sat me up. "If you tell Kyle about this I will Kill you! and thats a promise." he growled the jumped off the bed, buttoned his pants and sat on the stool Just as the door knob was turning. I quiclky sat on the corner of the bed and hugged my knees. then kyle ran in and saved me

As I layed there, I realized I had to go to the bathroom.But I was chained to the bed, and Kyle had a death grip on me.

"Kyle. I need to go to the bathroom" I said quitely. Nothing. I sighed and tryed to get out of his grip but he pulled me back into him. "Oh well ok. Kyle I Need To Use The Bathroom." I said.

"Ok." He said sleeply. but didnt do anything.

"ok well can you like, release me from your death grip and like i dont know unchain me from the bed?" I asked. Again Nothing. "Kyle!" I shouted

"Huh? What?" He asked.

"Oh my. I Need to go to the bathroom" I said.

"Oh right." He said. He released me from his grip and pulled a key out of his pocket and unlocked the chain that was on my foot then pointed to a door by the window that I thought was a closet. "In theres the bathroom." he said.

"Thanks." I said then climbed over him and went into the bathroom. after I was done I washed my hands

and looked in the mirror. My hair which was usually straight and down to my elbows, was all tangled and would probaly take more then 15 minutes to brush. My eyes were swollen from crying constantly. I sighed and went back out to the bedroom to see Kyle laying across the bed. "Hey Kyle??" I asked.

"yes?" he said lifting his head up

"You dont happen to have a brush that could fix this mess do you? And maybe a extra toothbrush, and maybe some extra clothes." i asked walking over to the bed and sitting down next to him. He laughed and sat up.

"The brush is under the sink in the bathroom, I could get anna to get you a extra toothbrush, and you and anna look like your the same size." he pulled out his phone and began texting someone. i smiled and got up to go brush my hair.  It didnt take 15 minutes. It took 10 minutes. I walked back into the room to see Kyle, and some other guy talking.

"Ryan I can't I have to keep an eye on Kat and make sure Chris stays away from her" Kyle said.

"I know but you can't miss this. It's to important." The other guy said

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