Chapter 4 - Proposal

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The plan was to have Artemis set up a party sort of atmosphere. The plan was to be completely unexpected and apart from Bruce, Diana, and Artemis, no body else knew. I got back to the gave and gave Artemis a thumbs up from the ceiling. Artemis winked back and went to fetch Zee from her room. Zee came out, looking slightly upset. Artemis handed her the box and Zee opened it. Then she pulled out a shirt that said, "Soon to be Mrs." She tilted her head in confusion and her eyebrows furrowed. "I don't understand?" She said.

I dropped down behind her in my shirt, with the ring, on one knee. Artemis grabbed Zatanna's shoulders and turned her around. She gasped immediately, and tears already ran down her face. Her beautiful cheeks had turned rosy red. "Zatanna Zatara, I have loved since when I first saw you. We have been dating for four years now and I want nothing more than for you to become my wife. Will you marry me?" She jumped on me, smiling like a maniac. "YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES!" She screamed. I slip the ring on her finger and she beams at me. I feel ecstatic. I am engaged to Zatanna Zatara. I feel like I could lift the moon. Today is awesome.

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