Chapter 5

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You woke up the next morning, feeling warmth all around you. Your eyes weren't opened, due to the sunlight shining from the window. It was rather strange to you because this didn't feel like your bed at all, and you can't remember walking in to your house. You then opened your eyes slowly, realizing you staring into a gray colored t-shirt. 

 You automatically smiled when you looked up at Evan's face, his eyes closed and his quiet snores. You thought it was so adorable, you couldn't help but not try to wake him up as you began sitting up. You tried to leave his grip, but failed as he practically pulled you back to the bed. He then snuggled closer to you, his brown eyes staring into your own (e/c) eyes. "Where do you think your going?" he asked with a small smile on his lips.

You looked at him and said, "I was going to wake up and snoop around, but I guess not." you said smiling. He then pecked your lips softly before saying back, "Well you should've done it better." he said, about to kiss you again until his phone went off. He mumbled something about his phone being a vibrating ass before grabbing his phone, making you giggle a little bit.

 He then set it back down and snuggled closer to you, making you smile a little bit. "We need to wake up Evan.." You told him and he shook his head as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you to his chest. You giggled as he was acting childish about letting you leave, and since you couldn't leave, you soon found yourself giving up and falling asleep with him once more.


"Oh shit!!" He nearly rolled off of the bed, freaking out and pacing around as he walked out of the door. You can hear him run down the stairs. 'What's wrong? Evan calm down." you said after him, following him as you walked down the stairs, half tired but wide awake since you were startled. "I forgot I was going to go out and eat with my parents today!! Oh my gosh.." he ran his hand through his hand stressed out.

You walked over to him and grabbed his hand. "It's okay Evan!! When are you supposed to be there?" He looked over at you. "At 8:00." He said sighing. "What time is it now?" He double-checked his phone. "7:00." You smiled at him.

"Well get ready then. I don't live that far from here, I can just walk." you told him. He simply shook his head. "It's as cold as hell out there. I'm gonna get ready first, and then I'll take you home. I'd rather be late for a meal then to let you freeze your ass off while walking home." He said, going back upstairs as you sat down on the couch. He was so sweet, and so handsome. 

You felt that this would last for a while, but hopefully it would last much longer than you think it will. You've known the man for years online, and that's the guy you fell in love with. He's just the same off of the computer, and that was what made you happy. You then took out your phone and sighed. Your fans are probably flipping shit because you haven't uploaded, so you decided to make a vlog and upload it through the app.

"Hi guys, it's (youtuber name) here, and I was just gonna let you know I haven't been uploading because I've been on a date~ There should be a video later though, so be prepared!! See ya later my potatoes!" You ended the video and uploaded it, and a few minutes later a very well dressed Evan walking down the stairs. 

"It's only 7:25. You have plenty of time." you told him as he grabbed his phone. He looked at you and smiled as you got up. "Are you ready to go?" He asked you. You smiled at him and walked over to him at the door. "Yep! Let's go." you said smiling. He let you walk out of the door before walking out himself and shutting the door. You were startled when the cold air hit your cheeks.

 Soon you arrived home, thanking Evan before giving him a long sweet kiss and heading in the house. You walked into your room and took a nice long shower before hopping back out and starting up G-Mod. You were doing a sandbox video with Wildcat, Mini Ladd, Nogla, Basically, and Delirious. "Where the hell is Evan?" Marcel asked you.

"He went out with his parents to a fancy shmancy dinner. Don't worry 'bout it." you said to them, and you all soon began playing. After that long recording session, you edited some GTA5 footage and uploaded it before hopping into PJ's and going to sleep

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