Chapter 9

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Alright I'll be honest.. it's been at least a few weeks since I've actually gotten my wifi back. School is crazy though, so that's why I haven't been exactly up to date on it. But anyways, here's the new chapter! I hope you enjoy!


Warning: This could be triggering for some parts of audience. My sincerest apologies.

DO NOT PLAY THE SONG YET FOR THE SAKE OF THIS CHAPTER!! It's for later on in the chapter.

--Time skip: 5 days later--

  The sunlight shined down through the crack of the curtains onto the bed, which was currently occupied by the girl. The girl was you, and you stirred and groaned as the sun shined in your eyes. You had never actually went to sleep a lot after the last few days. You had no idea what you were going to do. "At least he's happier with someone else." Was all that went through your head, but it made you cry thinking about it every time. Who knew that this was the way things were going, the way it would crash down horribly. It never dawned to you that Evan was like that; that he could just do that to someone. After your tweet saying, "Who knew that life could crumble around you just like that?" every single one of your fans had replied with nice and calming stuff, which made you smile occasionally. It still didn't help the pain in your heart, because it ached more than you could imagine.

   "I might as well get up." You mumbled, sighing as you sat up and got out of bed, looking like a complete mess. You looked in the mirror, seeing this almost cringe worthy sight. Make-up was smeared all over your face, and your hair was oily and messy. It dawned to you that you'd have to thank your brother for putting up with you. But after seeing yourself, you had hopped into the shower, letting the warm water wash away any stress you'd felt. After that, you got out and put on some pajamas and washing all the make up off for good. You then walked out of the room, realizing that you had left your phone downstairs near the couch. It was seemingly early, so you assumed it was near ten in the morning. You went downstairs and smelled something cooking, causing your stomach to rumble. You laughed, realizing you haven't ate in a while. Though you didn't feel exactly in the mood to eat anything.

   Once you grabbed your phone, you saw you had 45 missed calls (the majority of it being Evan) and texts from your friends.

"Dude, where the hell are you at?! We've been looking everywhere! Please tell us you're okay."

"(Name), I have no idea what the hell happened last night because I was wasted as fuck, but please, PLEASE answer us!"

"(Name) (Last name), you better answer me! Please... where are you?"

Craig, Tyler, and Sky had messaged you a lot, and you seemed to ignore most of them. Especially Evan's texts. "(Name), I didn't mean that... I wasn't seeing straight, cause I thought she was you.. Please, I love you." You scoffed, but felt the tears blurring your vision. (Name) ignored Evan and went over to Tyler, deciding to call him. You wanted to make sure that they knew you were okay, since they seemed genuinely concerned. It also seemed to make you sad because they must've been pissed at Evan, and even though you were angry at Evan, you didn't want them to be. You had pressed the green call button, putting the phone up to your ear as you heard it ringing. At least Tyler had his phone on for once.

--With Tyler and the others (excluding Evan)--

    Tyler sighed as he heard his phone ring, assuming it was Kelly or something. Oh boy was he wrong. He looked at the caller I.D, processing for a moment that it was (Name). "GUYS SHE'S CALLING ME!" He yelled at everyone, who was exhausted and tired after looking for you. They scrambled out of their seats and ran over next to him, and he answered almost immediately. "(Name)?! Where the hell are you?" He asked her, everyone listening intently for a response. "I-I'm at my brother's house.. Did I mention he lived in Boston? I'm sorry guys, you must be pissed at me.." She laughed sadly, her voice cracking as she spoke. Tyler was about to yell that he was in fact pissed, but sighed sadly. "You had us worried sick, dumb ass; especially Evan." He could hear you tense up, because you held in your breath.

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