Chapter 7

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"Babe wake up; It's time to go to PAX." You shook his shoulder, and he groaned before turning the other way and snuggling into the covers. "Aw come on do we have to go today? Can't you just get your ass back in here and cuddle with me?" he knew you would obviously say no; he was just trying to get his way out of getting up. "No Evan! You better get up before everyone comes by; they're gonna annoy the fuck out of you then." You denied him, and he groaned again.

     You sighed and put your hands on your hips. You were completely ready and prepared, and you wore one of your favorite outfits to go with the day. You had an idea that had clicked into your mind after he seemed to fall asleep, and you imediately grabbed Mini from outside and pulled him in. "What are you doing?" Craig asked in a whisper when he saw the sleeping Evan. "I need you to do something for my vlog okay? No one will never know." You said evily and as if he already knew the plan, he made an evil laugh and rubbed his hands together.

    "Okay so you're gonna talk like some guy from animal shows and talk about the Wild Vanoss in his new habitat, and then we are gonna draw some mustaches." You told Mini your "evil" plan, and he nodded as he randomly pulled out a marker. You grabbed your camera and began recording as he began speaking in one of his silly voices, "Here we have a wild Vanoss in his new home, sleeping peacefully. He has his defenses down, and when the wild Vanoss does so, you draw mustaches to prove you're dominant." You attempted to hold in laughter as he began drawing a curly mustache on Evan's face. 

   Evan was a deep sleeper; he only scrunched his nose a bit and moved his head slightly before relaxing with a content exhale. You had pulled out a marker and drew a dick on his face; the typical drawing on someone when they're asleep. Craig tried his best not to cackle out loud; he snickered and looked at you with amusement. "You evil mother fucker." He whispered, making you smirk. "I just hope he doesn't notice this in a while. Come on, he'll wake up soon. We better leave and pretend this never happened." Craig nodded and you two giggled like fangirls before silently (or trying to be silent) running out the door, you closing it gently behind you.

     "What the fuck are you two doing?" Tyler asked, watching you both as you fell to the floor laughing and Craig held his stomach. "I-I'll show you in a bit. Let's go down and get something to eat." You wiped a tear from laughing so hard and Tyler only nodded. "Isn't Evan coming?" Craig laughed hard once again, and you only chuckled as you smiled at Tyler. "In a little while." You answered. Tyler only sighed and nodded. "Well let's get a move on fuckers. Everyone else is waiting down at the little cafe place."

--~20 minutes later...~--

     You had finished your meal, drinking (f/b) and sighing refreshingly. Everyone decided to eat outside, considering it was a fantastic day out. You relaxed until,  "Uh oh." You heard Craig and you turned around, a smirking Evan walking towards you. You gulped, jumping out of your seat and running for your life. Being more athletic then you, he had caught up to you easily and swept you up, putting you over his shoulder as you yelped loudly. "Put me down!! Marcel! Craig! Help me!" Marcel only laughed at you and Craig shook his head. "Fuck this shit I'm gone." Craig said, hiding behind Tyler.

    "You little shit!" Evan said to you, still holding you. "Guess you'll have to wait to see what I have in plan for you." Your face burned red from embarassment while everyone just laughed. "What are you planning Evan?" Craig asked from behind Tyler. "Could you like, get away from me? You're a fucking pussy." Tyler said to Craig and he fake pouted, looking at Tyler with puppy eyes. "Don't fucking look at me like that!" Tyler told him, and everyone began to laugh. "It just looks like a fat lady trying to offer cookies with a creepy face, not a puppy face!" Marcel exclaimed, laughing with everyone else.

    "I think it's beautiful." Sky said, randomly popping up from behind Craig and pinching his cheeks. Craig screamed and fell over, hiding his face with his hands. "Did I scare you?" Sky laughed, poking him on the shoulder. "You just blew my eardrum out! What the fuck Mini!" Tyler yelled, rubbing his ear to emphasize how loud it was. Craig was silent before he groaned and glared at Sky. "Yes you scared the fucking shit out of me!! You prick!" She laughed and looked over at you, wiggling her eyebrows at you with a weird face.

    Once Evan had put you down, you had imediately ran over to Sky, glomping her and making slurping noises with your tongue. "What the fuck is that; your mating call?" Tyler asked and everyone laughed. You stared over at him with a thoughtful look. "..Maybe." You answered jokingly, looking at Sky with a seductive face. She made double chins and just crossed her eyes at you, causing you to roll over and laugh. "Yo it's 12:30. Should we start heading down to PAX? The panel starts at 1:30." Lui asked as he threw his trash away and texted on his phone. 

   "Sounds good to me, are we meeting up with Nogla there?" You asked as everyone else began straightening up and cleaning there mess. "Yeah we are. Let's get a move on then." Everyone nodded, walking in a group to Pax. It wasn't that far away from the hotel, so walking was a good option. It would be a lot more fun that way anyways.   "(Name) I'm still going to get you back later." Evan whispered in your ear, goofing around and winking at you. You were holding his hand and you blushed and looked away from him. He stopped you by grabbing your wrist. 

   "Hey (name)." You looked back up at him, seeing a smile on his face as he kissed you. "I love you." He said, squeezing your hand tighter in his as you both catched up with the group before they could suspect anything. "I love you too." You smiled, leaning your head on his shoulder as you guys walked with the group.

 --~Timeskip to the panel. Brought to you by potatoes (:~--

    You heard Lui speak into the microphone in his squeaker voice, "Alright fans!! You ready for King Calibre and the gang to get this show started?!" People in the crowd cheered in response, even whistling was a thing. "Alright I think you know who's here so we don't have to introduce ourselves, but for you that don't know, I'm that kid Lui in everyone's videos!!" Lui proudly proclaimed, smiling as girls and guys cheered. "Yo 'sup faggots? Joking I love you. I'm Mini Ladd AKA Craig." 

  As such, everyone introduced themselves in seated line; Lui, Craig, David, Brock (glad he showed up), Sky, Tyler, Marcel, Evan, and you came up. "Hey fellow potatoes, it's me; (yt name) AKA (name). Nice to see you lovelies!!" Girls squealed in the crowd and you got whistles from some guys, which for some reason made you blush. "Alright back up guys; she already has a boyfriend." Craig said, leaning over into the mic before continuing, "And she's actually talked about it with Evan on her Youtube. Care to explain to those who don't know?" He looked down the table at you and Evan, a smirk on his face.

   Being your best friends and all, they clearly knew everything about you; especially when it came down to how awkward you were with big audiences like the one now. Your fans must have known this as well, because before anything could come out your mouth one of them yelled, "EVAN AND (Name) ARE DATING!!!" You were beet red from embarassment as people cheered and squealed, and you hid your face in your hands. Evan laughed as he saw your face uncontrolably red. He then unoticably smirked, looking at you. He's gotten his way of payback.

    You yelped as you felt yourself getting picked up, then immediately setting in someone's lap. You turned around and saw Evan smirking at you, knowing you were already flushed as it was. You just covered your face as you heard laughing and fangirls squealing all around. "GET SOME!" Sky yelled in a deep voice, wiggling her eyebrows and Craig laughed harder. "S-Shut up!" You stuttered, looking at her with a 'threatening' glare. It wasn't really that evil looking, since no one could take you seriously while you were all flustered. 

   "Payback's a bitch." Evan whispered in your ear, unoticably nibling it to mess around with you. Of course you noticed. You yelped and jumped up and fell on the floor, rolling under the table cloth so no one could see you. "What the fuck did you do?" Tyler asked, laughing with everyone else. "Nothing." Evan lied, a smug look on his face. "Well that takes care of intros huh?" Sky asked as the laughter died down. "I guess so. Let's get this thing going shall we?" Craig asked, and everyone cheered in response.

--~After panel~--

    After your huge embarassment at the end of the panel, it soon passed and you all began to have a lot of fun with your fans. You all stayed for an extra hour to sign things and take pictures, but that was about it. It's now 4:30 PM, and you all were walking in the streets of Boston and having a lot of fun. "Hey, there's a youtube party thing that Nanners invited us to. Are you guys going?" Evan asked the group, everyone nodded, hummed, or said,  "Yeah." "Well that takes care of that. We should head back to the hotel though. It starts at six." Everyone agreed, you all walking back to the hotel to get ready for the party.

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