Chapter 6

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~let's le time skip to a month later in the story, okay?~

  You were currently packing you bags, sighing as you tried to remember what you wanted to pack for Pax East. You had a few outfits you were planning on packing, but you wanted to pack at least a few more. Sure you were going to Pax, but you also wanted to go to Boston to look around. You decided on your outfits before putting them in the suitcase. (outfits:  and ) (A/N: If you don't like the outfits then you can just think of one)

 You then heard the door from downstairs unlock and someone walk in. You knew it was Evan though, because he was the only one that had your key. "Hey are you here?" He asked from the living room. "Yeah!" You said, walking out of the door and smiling. "Well hello there." He said, walking over to you and wrapping his arms around you securely before planting a soft kiss on your lips.

 You smiled and kissed him back. "Hi." You said back, getting out of his grasp and walking over to the kitchen to pour you a drink. "Are you almost ready packing for Pax East?" Evan asked. "Yeah, just gotta get some other things packed and I'll be ready." You said, taking a sip of your drink. "Hey (y/n)?" You heard Evan from behind you. "What is it?" You turned around and looked at him.

 He sighed softly, "How are we going to tell the fans we're dating?" You then blushed slightly as you suddenly realized that you guys had never really mentioned dating to any of your fans. You thought about it before replying. "Maybe we can tell everyone at the panel in Pax East that we're having. We should post a video first than maybe mention it to everyone at the panel who hasn't seen it." He nodded in response and smiled.  "Okay. It was just that we never really told anyone else besides our friends about it so I wanted to make sure you wanted to tell everyone else about it."

 You nodded and smiled, "Yeah of course I do. That way the other girls get the message; mess with my man and you will be cut up and blended, then fed to a baby." Evan stared at you like you said something crazy and laughed. "Why a baby?" 

 "Because it will be their baby that I am feeding."

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He asked, causing you to laugh loudly. "You know you love me.~" You said to him before running up the stairs. "What are you doing? We have to head out soon or we'll miss the plane!" Evan yelled behind you. "Yeah I know I was grabbing my bags! Dork." You said to him before walking down the stairs. "Shall we go?" He said opening the door for you. "Yep!"

--- All of these time skips doe x3 ---

  You and Evan soon landed after what seemed like years, and now walking out of the airport. When you guys were talking to everyone on skype about it, you guys all decided you would stay at the same hotel. The gang also thought it would be a good idea to get there a few days before PAX started so you all could hang out.

 You sighed as you got out of the airport, looking around for Lui and Mae. Mae had messaged you and said that they would pick you guys up, but it was hard to see them. "(Y/n)!" You heard someone behind you. You turned around and saw your friend Sky.  "Sky!" The two of you ran to each other and squealed, hugging each other tightly.

  Sky was wearing one of her usual outfits,  her dark brown hair in a pony tail, her bright blue eyes showing excitement. Evan and Lui were now talking to each other, and Lui being the nice person he is, helped Evan out with the bags so you could talk to Sky. "Sky what are you doing here?! I thought you said you couldn't go to PAX East this year!! Where's Mae?" You exclaimed, looking over at her. She smiled and laughed. "I thought I could surprise you guys! And Mae is at the hotel."

    "Well you did a good job at that!" You said laughing. "Come on boys let's go!" Sky said to them since you all were now at the car while they were walking slowly behind. "Well ladies, we're carrying the bags. Remember that." Lui said jokingly, opening his trunk so that way Evan and him could put the bags somewhere.

  You all got into the car, You and Evan sitting next to each other in the back while Sky and Lui were in the front. You all were talking and occasionally singing along to the radio. You were so excited to met everyone in person, since this was your first time meeting up with everyone. and of course, Evan was excited too. 

   The four of you  arrived at the hotel, and this time you carried your bags as Evan carried his. You both checked in and went up to the hotel room, which you and Evan nearly flipped out when you saw something- more like some people- standing inside of your room.  "Surprise mother fucker!" Everyone said, laughing. "Holy shit!" Evan was startled, nearly dropping his bags. Marcel and Tyler noticed this and started laughing.

 You laughed as well, and jokingly said, "You're a pussy Evan." Soon everyone did a small, "ooohhhh."  Evan than looked over at you and said to you, "Well I must be a cannibal than because I eat pussies."

  Your amazing friends thought of it that way and died from laughter, which was mostly Craig and Marcel. "I can't breathe!" Sky said, laughing loudly and falling on the floor. Soon everyone's laughter ended, and later everyone began to talk and make jokes with one another. And after that, everyone began saying their goodbyes and going to their own rooms because it was so late.

  On the second day of PAX, your panel would begin and that would be the day you two told the fans of your relationship. All of your friends were already aware of you relationship and soon, your fans would know as well. You were super excited to tell them, and you wouldn't care if they hated it or not. 

 "PAX East here we come!" You thought before cuddling close to Evan and falling into a peaceful sleep.

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