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Flashing lights and we, took a wrong turn and we, fell down a rabbit hole


He was this close to dying.

It was his fault, and then again, it wasn't his fault. 

You see, Justin works for a huge as fuck company, and coincidentally (not), it belonged to his father.

Anyways, he was extra busy these days, or should I say, months. His father gave him numerous tasks that wore him down, but it was his dream to take over the company, so he did every task obediently. 

He was a man of order. From his suits to wedding plans, everything was to be in a organised manner. He hated last minute plannings, and change of scenarios. It was always eat, sleep, and get the hell to work. With an exception to the wedding plans and Lizzy, of course.

It wasn't like he was an emotionless machine. Sure, he loved work, but family always came first. He managed to juggle between stressing out work and his family, and now, Liz's family too. He was quiet the charmer from a young age, and had won the Grant's hearts immediately. Hence the marriage agreement between the two families.

Liz also worked under her father's company, and (surprise, but not really) she too, was going to take over the company. Like Justin, she loved work. Her dedication to work and her independent status was one of the qualities Justin admired about Elizabeth.

But that was it. He admired her, not loved. He thought she was an amazing person in general, yet he had no sort of romantic feelings towards her. At first, he thought it would crush her, but he was relieved to know that the feelings were mutual.

In conclusion, love was not on the to do list for either, at the time. Maybe it never would be.

Back when they were kids, Liz and Justin always played games with each other, be it video games or football. Sometimes Liz would teach him stuff like how to paint nails, so that he could paint the nails of her left hand. 

He liked it. So she taught him more, like doing the eyes, lips and cheeks. 

His dad caught him once, and Justin was terrified. He thought his dad would be disappointed, because make up was for 'girls only'. But he wasn't. Instead he told little Justin that there was nothing wrong with it, and that boys could wear make up too. But Justin wasn't convinced, so he stopped painting Liz's nails. 

Liz was really sad, but she soon got over it, considering her bubbly nature. She was rarely upset. 

Teen Justin sometimes applied streaks of eyeliner, and put on the nude shades of nail polish on his toe nails. Liz thought he looked beautiful, and she often told him that, making him blush. He later gave that up too, thinking that he should focus on 'less feminine' things. 

Justin would in turn teach her the tricks and tips in the video games. She really sucked at the beginning, but when she did everything accordingly, Justin would get really excited and give her a friendly kiss on his cheek. Liz would blush, but she blushed for a lot of things, so it wasn't a big deal. 

But this relationship didn't seem platonic to their parents. They believed that both of them secretly liked each other, but were to much of a coward to confess. I mean, they sneaked out late at nights just to talk, and went out to restaurants and picnics and were very intimate. Just like a couple. 

So they decided; these two shall get married.

When they had a little get-together almost a year ago, Justin had a feeling in the back of his head that it wasn't just a reunion. And he was right when the Grants and his parents suggested he and Liz to get wed. His first thoughts were no. Absolutely not. But he knew that his parents would never take no as an answer. When they made up their mind, there was no changing it. 

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