cherry and wine.

360 21 90

hello, procrastinating queen here 


Oh, if he just knew how wrong he was.

"So, uh, you want me to retrieve that... that thing?"

It was a golden, glowing sphere that looked like the heart of the entire chamber, just like Zayn's vivid descriptions had promised. It's pretty small, but once you take it out, it will be big enough to fit us all.

"Yeah." Zayn looks at it like it was the answer to all his questions. Maybe it is. Harry still looks hesitant, like he doesn't want to be part of the thing.

"So do I just take it, or is there like, a proper time and all?" Justin feels his palms becoming moist. He rubs them on the coat he has grown attached to.

"No, you just have to grab it." Zayn looks like he's about the jump on it any second.

"Okay," Justin reaches forward to take it.

"No, wait!"

Justin groans. "What?"

Zayn bites his lip. "Sorry, just... just nervous, that's all. You go ahead." Eddie was going to be so mad.

Justin sighs and grabs it, and suddenly, everything stops moving. 

Meanwhile, Eddie, who was enjoying his Time not being Time, and was currently roaming around and about the White Queen's castle, feels a sudden pain in his chest. He falls and clutches onto the middle of his chest.

"The Chronosphere... not again."

Back in the castle, Justin has already thrown the tiny golden ball on the ground, which now was big enough, just like Zayn said, to fit them all.

"Quick, get in!" Zayn pulls Justin and Harry inside. He looks at Justin. "D'you know how to steer a ship?" Because to him, it was the most sensible question to him at the moment.

Justin gives him a are you kidding me face. "Oh yeah, cause I was born a sailor."

"Stop fooling around!"

"I don't know, did you expect me to be steering ships around in my life back home?"

"Damn it!" Zayn grabs hold of the steering wheel and pulls something, and suddenly they're flying into a wall. Harry covers his face, but instead of crashing into the wall, the surrounding starts to crumble into waves. Huge, blue waves.

"The ocean of time." Justin murmurs.

"Yes. It's cool, isn't it?" Zayn asks.

"It sure is."

"Eddie is going to kill us." Harry whispers to Niall for the umpteenth time. Niall shrugs, because he could easily escape, considering his size. But seeing Harry look so distressed, he felt like his reason not to be so tensed appeared selfish, so he caresses Harry's shoulder.

"I wish you could speak, Niall. Then maybe I could actually hear when you laugh." Harry gives a small smile.

"Just a little longer," Zayn says, sticking his tongue out and crossing his eyebrows. "Just a little longer."

"Harry, did you do the thing?"

"What thing?" Harry asks.

"You know what I'm talking about."

"Oh... that. Yeah, I got it taken care of."

"Good, good." Zayn nods. 

Justin notices a few faces here and there on the waves (events that happened, possibly); a woman with a big head and red hair, probably the Red Queen, a man with bright orange hair, and a hat similar to Zayn's, possibly Zayn's father. Sometimes it looked like the waves were going to crash on them.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 11, 2018 ⏰

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