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"...and then they lived happily ever after."

Finally, Justin thought. He finished the story, and goddamn, was that long. He had never spoken so much and so quickly ever before. It was like reciting Mark Antony's soliloquy in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, except a lot longer.

He was lucky that Hatter had given him that disgusting drink. If it wasn't for that, he would've had to drink up an entire lake.

Justin inhales deeply and manages to keep walking in a steady pace.

Harry stares in awe. "That was amazing! What happens after happily ever after?" Justin takes longer steps to keep up with him.

"Well..." Justin sighs. "There's a sequel."

"What's a" Harry struggles to spell it out.

"Se-quel. It's like a continuation, a second part, a follow up to the first movie."

Harry's eyes light up. Justin inwardly groans. "Can you tell me what happens in the sequel? Pretty please?"

Just as he was about to answer, Zayn cuts him off.

"That's enough for now, Harry."

He was tired of hearing about dying lions and strong lions and evil lions and happy lions. What Harry even saw in the story would remain a mystery to him.

Harry pouts. "No."

"I guess a little bit won't hurt," Justin smiles at Harry, because who was he to deny that little pout of his? The blue eyed boy nods his head rapidly. Zayn scowls in return, making Harry shrink back. Justin glares at Zayn, and the latter pretends not to notice.

"It will. Now, let's all just walk, without any questions or talking about Tiger Queen."

"It's Lion King." Justin corrects. "Jeez, you're such a killjoy."

"Excuse me?" Zayn fumes. "I'm just being serious."

Justin was the one who was supposed to be serious. Wasn't he complaining about how bad this place was?

"You're boring. And moody." Justin points out, shrugging.

"Why, you-" Zayn pauses, realizing what Justin meant.

"See? Chill the fuck out, man."

Zayn rubs the side of his head, takes few calm breaths. "For once, you're right. I've just been thinking a lot lately."

At this, Justin felt interested. He tilts his head a little.

"Want to talk about it? It'll help you feel better." Justin suggests. Rambling always helps, his mother would say.

He missed her, a lot.

Zayn scoffs. "In your wildest dreams." Of course Zayn said that. He didn't seem like the type of person who would straight up start narrating stories.

"Trust me, you won't even be there in my nightmares." Justin sneers at him.

"And me?" Harry interjects. Justin lets his jaw relax. He could always rely on him to brighten up his day. So far, Niall has neither aggravated him nor did he make him happy, and it was fine by him. Because after all, if you don't have something nice to say, there's no need to say anything at all.

"Er... I haven't dreamt about you yet, kitty." he replies awkwardly, because what was he even supposed to say?

Harry nods in understanding.

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